
Leaf offers the plastic-free shave you've always wanted

Say goodbye to disposable cartridges and plastic packaging with this solid-steel beauty.


Here's an incredibly simple solution to plastic packaging waste

Remove the water.


Is there a fishy ingredient in your cosmetics?

Shark liver oil is a common moisturizing agent in many beauty products. Stay away!


Say no to DIY sunscreen

This is one of those rare times when we tell you store-bought is better than homemade!


Banish 'thigh chafe' with these simple solutions

Women share their tried-and-true fixes for this incredibly common yet rarely discussed problem.


The great sunscreen fallacy: Lack of sun exposure might be killing us

Experts suggest that the health benefits of sunlight may outweigh the risks.


I used to be a beauty routine maximalist

Now I'm obsessed with paring it down to the absolute minimum.


This Canadian company sells zero-waste, plastic-free toothpaste

It comes in dry tab form. Just bite and brush!


Do women really need trash cans everywhere they go?

Surely there's a way to ditch our wasteful, disposable habits.


How to deal with chapped lips

You shouldn't have to suffer through the winter with dry and cracked lips.


How to simplify your beauty routine

With salons and beauty services temporarily closing, there's never been a better time to start a DIY, at-home, simplified beauty routine.


4 skin care brands I'm loving these days

These U.S. companies make high quality organic, vegan and cruelty-free products.


EarthSuds makes zero waste shampoo tablets

These single-use tablets are a smart way to reduce plastic waste, whether at home or while travelling.


BPA substitutes linked to child obesity

Just because something is BPA-free doesn't mean it's safe.


Force of Nature turns tap water into a powerful green cleaner

It cuts through grease, makes glass shine, and deodorizes thoroughly – all thanks to a nifty chemical reaction.


Deli counter deception: 'No nitrates added' claim is incorrect

Consumer Reports explains why the curing source for processed meats doesn't matter. It's all bad for you.


Why you don't need fabric softener

It's bad for the clothes, your health, and the planet. There is no good reason to use it.


10 reasons to go green starting NOW

Have you been looking for a reason to go green? Look no further because we've got ten reasons lined up for you!


How did our periods get so full of plastic?

Years of marketing 'shame' to women led to the health and pollution crises we currently face.


American kids need to be weaned off synthetic food dyes

These questionable additives are found in nearly half of all foods marketed to kids.


'Toxic Beauty' film explores how cosmetics are making us sick

The products we use to enhance beauty have an ugly track record.


Amazon and Best Buy are selling toxic TVs

The plastic is full of flame retardants banned in Europe, Canada and a number of US states.


Use of chemical hair products increases breast cancer risk

A new study shows it's even higher for black women and frequent hair-dyers.


Mealworms can safely consume polystyrene foam

A new study has found the worms excrete plastic and its toxic additives with no residue in their bodies.


Levels of supposedly banned greenhouse gas are spiking

Everybody promised to destroy HFC-23 but apparently they didn't.


Delta's uniform debacle proves how toxic clothes can be

The clothing production process is full of toxic chemicals that can harm human health.


Cross-country ski industry wants to eliminate toxic wax

The same chemicals that help skiers to glide cause harm to human health and the natural environment.


The future of almonds is uncertain

Their fate is tied to that of bees, which aren't doing too great either.


Fair trade falls short when it comes to hired farm workers

But this doesn't mean we should give up on fair trade certification.


Malaysia struggles with its dubious reputation for palm oil

It resents the world for criticizing the industry, yet understands that some things need to change.


Frankincense is endangered

There are fewer and fewer trees that can produce this beloved aromatic resin.


The humble pea is America's favorite new crop

Demand for plant-based protein is driving rapid growth, while crops like corn and soy stagnate.


Elementary students in Georgia will soon learn about farming

Described as a "huge missing piece" in public education, new agriculture classes will teach kids how connected our lives are to the land.


UK harvests its first crop of chickpeas

This is precisely the kind of healthy, sustainable agriculture we should be trying to expand globally.


Bring on the bugs! Young Britons are ready for ethical, sustainable protein

A new survey finds that young people expect bugs to be a normal part of our diets within a decade.


Will our future diets rely on lab-grown foods?

George Monbiot certainly thinks so, and sees this as a saving grace.


American meat will never be welcome in the UK

The environment minister stated that post-Brexit trade deals will not allow chlorine-washed chicken or hormone-treated beef.


British shoppers told to buy white eggs, not brown

The idea is that it will reduce animal suffering, but it's more complicated than that.


Don't forget your local farmers

A recent surge of interest in local food networks is a boon to farmers, but shoppers need to maintain their support over the long term.


Now is the best time to plant a vegetable garden

It will help you to spend time outdoors, supplement your food supply, and teach kids about the life cycle of plants.


Recycling waste water bottles into mission critical parts with 3D printing (video)

Teams operating in remote sites on military or humanitarian missions can be stalled by broken equipment. They could soon be turning their own wastes into raw materials for 3D printing parts needed to get their job done.


Chinese action on Montreal Protocol violators

After evidence that China violated the treaty intended to protect the earth's ozone layer, the country has leapt into action.


Why you should let your friends pay for your hotel room

Rethinking hospitality in the context of less is more


Toxic weed thriving on drought in Germany

Climate change winners and losers assessed in the wake of a hot summer in Germany


High yield farming may be better for biodiversity

Is the idyllic, organic farm worse for our balance with nature?


UN evaluates principles to ensure safe and healthy workplaces

It is estimated that one worker dies every 15 seconds from toxic exposures at work


Getting the real dirt on Mars, right here on Earth

The University of Central Florida is selling experimental Martian dirt, for $20/kg plus shipping. Or use their open source recipe to make your own.


Which message best motivates change: IPCC or the Nobel Prize?

William Nordhaus und Paul Romer


What if a chef with a logistics degree imagines a no waste restaurant?

Can the hospitality industry learn something when a French chef with a degree in logistics opens a no waste restaurant in London?


Coal mines have canaries, frackers have mussels

Freshwater shellfish serve as recording devices for fracking wastewater contamination.