
BuildingGreen's 10 Top Green Products For 2012 Unveiled

I am a huge fan of BuildingGreen, but have not given a lot of coverage of their Green Product of the Year Awards. They are, to put it bluntly, not sexy, like watching Eoncote Ceramic paint dry. But I have been doing our readers a disservice, as I


Best of Show, Booth Design at Greenbuild: Kohler And Living Machine

The point of having a booth at Greenbuild is to attract attention, and like with everything else, design matters. I immediately fell in love with the Kohler booth; In some ways it is so 2005 green, with its recycled materials


Best Of Show: Sage Electrochromic Glass Is A Thermostat For The Sun

It is a fascinating product, glazing that darkens at the flip of a switch, eliminating the


Most Appalling of Show: The Zurn Bariatric Toilet

We all know that America and the world are getting fatter, but I didn't know that they are even now making special toilets to deal with the problem. In fact it is, um, an expanding market; The Zurn Bariatric wall hung flush


The Best of Greenbuild 2011: Innovative Green Building Products of the Future

What can one say about a show that attracts 23,000 green building professionals across the border to Toronto? It could only beGreenbuild, the grand spectacle put on by theU.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). This was its tenth


LEED-Bashing: USA Today Series Says It's Too Easy To Be Green (and a Whole Lot More)

The rating system is attacked in 2012 for its 2002 standard and the timing couldn't be worse.


CREE Brings Wood and Concrete Hybrid Construction To North America

The Austrian system can build at 30 storey high-rise in thirty days


Rick Fedrizzi Defends LEED, Attacks The Naysayers and Delivers Barn-Burner Defense of Green Building

The CEO of the USGBC brings it on and fights back against the Plastic People their poodles in Congress


Method Homes Introduces New Paradigm Prefab Prototype at GreenBuild

It's going for every label from LEED to Living Building Challenge


The envelope, please: BuildingGreen's top 10 green picks for 2014

It's the Oscars of green building products chosen by the experts, in the runup to Greenbuild.


New LEED standards mean healthier, greener buildings on the way

LEED v4 is here.


Amazing glass that tints on demand is now solar powered

This glass makes your window treatments obsolete.


Pedia-Pod aims to "make kids feel like they're not in a hospital"

This pediatric care unit showcases how sustainable and kid-friendly design can come together.


Best in Show: The Nexus eWater recycler saves water and energy

Waste water and waste heat recovery together at last, perhaps the most interesting new thing at Greenbuild.


Touring the LivingHomes green modular for Make it Right at Greenbuild

It's the right thing to do in so many ways, as LivingHome, Make it Right, Cradle to Cradle and Hanley Wood build a comfy new home for the Lower Ninth


Greenbuild roundup: Heroes, villains and vinyl

All kinds of interesting people were at Greenbuild.


The envelope, please: BuildingGreen's top 10 green picks for 2016

It's a ritual; they pick the ten top products and I complain that they are not sexy. This year is different.


Storing bikes? The Pushbike Arc lets anyone pack'em, stack'em and rack'em

This Australian design takes the work out of parking bikes.


Scottish architect's Design-Build company MAKAR is doing wonders with wood

MAKAR is doing the kind of work that puts North American architects and builders to shame.


People, things and the Best of Show at Greenbuild

There were inspiring people and some neat new things at Greenbuild, and my biggest ever Best of Show.


Wake up. It's time for the BuildingGreen Top 10 Products for 2018

It's like watching paint dry.


Is LEED tough enough to stop climate change? Is it even the right question?

What do we really want from a building certification system?


Saudi Prince building solar powered city with robots, glowing sand and an artificial moon

Will NEOM be "an aspirational society that heralds the future of human civilization" or "a totalitarian surveillance state"?


Reconnecting with nature has environmental and mental health benefits

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee at The Guardian writes about the deeper human issue at risk in our ongoing environmental crises - a disconnection from the ecosystem.


Meet the Plastisphere: Ocean plastic pollution is so bad, it is now its own ecosystem.

Scientists have named a new marine ecological community, the Plastisphere, comprised of, you guessed it, plastic -- and all the organisms that now call ocean plastic home.


Ship noise makes it harder for crabs to eat, easier for them to be eaten

Researchers have discovered that the problem of ocean noise pollution extends all the way up to the shoreline. And shore crabs face a double-edged sword from too much noise from ships.


13 Most bizarre mushrooms

These specimens of the fungi world are both beautiful and strange.


Seeing Earth as a beautiful calamity

The New York Times has a stunning feature showing images of Earth and the immense damage caused by man to the land and atmosphere.


Sea otters may help combat harmful agricultural run-off in California

As a keystone species, the importance of the sea otter on the health of coastal ecosystems can't be understated. A new study shows that they may even play a key role in helping coastlines cope with agricultural run-off.


Could climate change be any worse? Yes. BEARS!

Just when you think climate change couldn't get any worse... BEARS!


For $19 you can kill a wolf in Montana

After nearly being hunted to extinction, wolf populations in the United States have recovered enough that hunting wolves is allowed to control their numbers. But are we moving too fast?


Efforts underway in one of most extensive US river restorations ever

The world's largest dam removal project is nearing completion on Elwha River on Washington state’s Olympic Peninsula. Now it's time to enter the next phase of work on one of the greatest salmon rivers in the nation: the restoration of an entire watershed.


Giant Asian tiger shrimp invade US waters

Well, giant shrimp the size of your forearm are now a thing we can worry about.


Honeybee waggle dance tells researchers about the health of the ecosystem (Video)

Honeybees survey vast tracts of land during their communal foraging. They share their best finds in a waggle dance, which new research has turned into a powerful tool for assessing ecosystem health.


Whales: The great poop pumps of the ocean

Turns out whales have been contributing to rejuvenating the ocean ecosystem this whole time!


Coastal wetlands could protect New York City from storms - and the Nature Conservancy is spreading the word

The Nature Conservancy is teaching New Yorkers about the protective natural ecosystems in the city


Small brown duck seeks permanent home

The world's rarest duck - the Madagascar pochard - needs a new environment if it's going to survive


3 ways to help a post-Earth Day depression

The world is divided into the optimists and the pessimists. Here are two methods for the latter group to deal with the inevitable gray mood after reading all the depressing news about the state of the earth.


Rethinking death to better understand the effects of chemicals

Thought experiments worked for Einstein. Can they help protect the environment too?


What is an invasive species?

These organisms are destroying ecosystems across the globe, costing humans billions of dollars in damages.


What if all the spiders disappeared?

Although some may wish it so, a world without spiders would be a miserable place.


Interactive online sound library lets you explore The Great Animal Orchestra

Nature's acoustic environments are wild, haunting and beautiful. As this online educational project shows, these wild soundscapes are in danger of disappearing too.


Paleontologists discover lost ecosystem off the coast of southern California

The ecosystem had thrived for thousands of years but collapsed less than two centuries ago.


This 2,000-year-old message from Pompeii's ruins is freaking me out

Archeologists unearthed some eerie graffiti in history's most famous graveyard.


Scientists just discovered billions of organisms underneath the land and sea

Not in the ocean. Below it.


Here's what the real Patch Adams has been up to

He started an institute for making the world more playful and loving.


Why you shouldn't buy ladybugs for natural pest control in your garden

Got ladybugs? Encourage native ladybugs in your garden instead of buying wild-harvested ladybugs to manage pests.


Recycling is hard. That's why we have to eliminate single use packaging and not get distracted.

StackitNOW is a great idea but also demonstrates how intractable the problem is.


I almost missed America Recycles Day!

My favorite day of the year is a shadow of its former self.


What's happening to all the "recycled" waste now that it's not shipped to China?

It's déjà vu all over again as the industry pushes "chemical recycling".