
Общество: Наследие предков, или 7 бесполезных органов в теле человека

Существует общее мнение, что в человеческом организме нет ненужных органов, как и в любом механизме деталей. Но если рассмотреть вопрос более детально, то это далеко не соответствует действительности. Некоторые органы, части, присутствующие в нашем теле, мы получили в наследство еще от первобытных людей. В процессе эволюции и в связи с изменением условий обитания они перестали выполнять определенные функции и утратили свою значимость и надобность. Именно о них дальше пойдет речь.



Идеи вашего дома: 13 копеечных систем хранения, которые выглядят стильно и помогают навести порядок

Любая хозяйка подтвердит, что сколько бы квадратных метров не было в квартире, места для хранения вещей всегда не хватает. И откуда только берутся все эти мелочи, которые непонятно, куда можно пристроить. Вот и получается вечный визуальный беспорядок. Мы же подобрали 13 копеечных систем хранения, которые выглядят стильно и помогают экономить место.



Юмор: 16 случаев, когда люди проявили свою смекалку и изобретательность

Чего только люди не придумают, лишь бы не работать! Но когда человек действительно чем-то увлечен, нет преград его изобретательности и остроумию. Это в полной мере относится к героям нашего обзора, которые проявили смекалку самым неожиданным образом.



Общество: «Пятерка» блюд из советских детских садов, о которых вспоминают с ностальгией

Многие современные мамы и папы жалуются на то, что в нынешних детских садах их чад кормят из рук вон плохо. И речь идет в первую очередь не о размере порций, а об их качестве. Тем более, что родившимся еще в СССР есть с чем сравнить. Вкус еды из школьных и детсадовских столовых тех времен для большинства людей незабываем. А потому сегодня стоит вспомнить несколько блюд из детсада, от которых в восторг приходят даже взрослые.



Автомобили: 6 популярных машин, которые ржавеют, еще находясь на гарантии

Даже самый простой автомобиль – это сложное устройство, которое стоит немалых средств. Более того, для многих водителей машина становится настоящим другом, «боевым конем», которому доверяют свою безопасность, жизнь и здоровье членов семьи. Неудивительно, что сохранности автомобилей их владельцы уделяют немалое внимание. Тем более странно, когда нестарая еще машина начинает быстро ржаветь.



Идеи вашего дома: Скучнее некуда: 7 дизайнерских приемов, которые делают интерьер банальным

Часто при планировании будущего интерьера люди гонятся за сиюминутными трендами, забывают о важных мелочах или не думают о том, что в процессе обживания квартиры может разрушиться красивая картинка, которую они изначально рисуют в голове. В результате интерьер получается либо некрасивым и неуютным, либо слишком скучным и банальным. рассказывает о дизайнерских приемах, применение которых не позволяет сделать квартиру интересной, комфортной и персонализированной.



Автомобили: Как поступать, если остался посреди перекрестка, когда загорелся красный свет

Перекресток – один из сложнейших и наиболее ответственных участков дороги. Страх всех автомобилистов-новичков, а также граждан, готовящихся к выпуску из автошколы. У многих случается ситуация, когда остался на перекрестке, а красный свет в твой адрес уже горит. Что же делать и как быть в такой непростой ситуации? Вспоминаем правила дорожного движения.



Coronavirus Outbreak: Uber offers free rides to BMC frontline health workers

In the fight against COVID-19, Uber has extended support by offering free rides to frontline BMC healthcare workers and non-COVID patients in Mumbai through its recently launched UberMedic service.

All UberMedic cars are fitted with a roof-to-floor plastic sheeting enclosing the driver. Additionally, all drivers are being trained in safety procedures and provided with personal protective equipment such as masks, gloves, sanitisers and disinfectants to sanitise the cars between rides.

The agreement is part of Uber’s recent offer to provide free rides worth Rs 1 crore to the Maharashtra government. Prabhjeet Singh, Director, Operations and Head of Cities, Uber India & South Asia, said, “The BMC has been working tirelessly to contain the spread of COVID-19. We feel privileged to be supporting them in these challenging times and will help move what matters by leveraging our global experience, technology and network of drivers.”

Uber’s recently launched UberMedic service has been transporting frontline medical workers in 35+ hospitals across 23 Indian cities.

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My ouch! Irrfan moment

I just remembered my absolutely ouch! Irrfan moment, that makes me cringe each time I recall it. One of the relatively early big film programmes I curated was Made by Women, an international women's film festival, way back in 2004. We screened great films, mostly 35mm prints, directed by women filmmakers from all over the world. They ranged from Marziyeh Meshkiny's The Day I Became a Woman (Iran), Anne Fontaine's How I Killed My Father (France) to Ligy Pullappally's Sancharram (India) and Joan Gratz's Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase (animation, USA). We opened with Aparna Sen's beloved classic 36 Chowringhee Lane at the YB Chavan Centre (remember it?). Bishakha Datta, who heads Point of View, a non-profit that amplifies women's voices and had organised the event, was Festival Director.

Sen had flown in for the inauguration from Kolkata, ever elegant. Irfan Khan (the second 'r' hadn't rolled in yet) had very kindly agreed to be special guest at the inaugural. A huge crowd had turned up, and we let them in. My colleagues escorted Sen in, while I remained outside waiting for Irfan, who unfortunately had been held up in traffic, and arrived later than planned. When I escorted him in, the hall was pitch dark. I realised to my horror, that Sen had inaugurated the festival alone and, as the crowd had got restless, the screening had begun. Eeks! I apologised profusely to Irfan, and escorted him to the reserved VIP row, only to find that the enthu crowd had ripped the 'reserved' seat signs and occupied every seat in the house; many were even sitting in the aisles.

Crouching and whispering, I cravenly begged a series of people in the audience to give up their seat for Irfan, but they were engrossed in the film. Seeing I was in big trouble, Irfan graciously whispered, "Don't worry, Meenakshi, I'll sit on the carpet." "No, NO! Please give me a moment," I yelped. Finally, I managed to persuade someone to give up his seat for Irfan in the front row. Double eeks! From there, Irfan watched 36 Chowringhee Lane, at a 60 degree angle. Life-long, I could never live down the humiliation of being unable to treat Irfan as the star he truly was. But, Irfan was so incredibly decent about it—which made me feel even worse. He quietly vanished as the film ended, and when I phoned him to apologise, he gently brushed aside my apology and discussed what a marvellous film it was.

The episode taught me two things: if you show a great Indian film for the inaugural of an international film festival, the public will come, even if it is a 20-year-old film. Second, a great film can turn even a star into a fan. Yet, I can think of no other star who would behave with such extraordinary humility and grace, as Irfan did that evening. The festival was a great success in Mumbai, and did an all-India tour of eight cities in 2004. In fact, I curated another edition of Made by Women in 2005, with an all-India tour as well.

Adieu, Irrfan!

Meenakshi Shedde is India and South Asia Delegate to the Berlin International Film Festival, National Award-winning critic, curator to festivals worldwide and journalist. Reach her at

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US unemployment rate reaches Great Depression-era level

US employers have cut a staggering 20.5 million jobs in April amid the COVID-19 pandemic, erasing a decade of job gains since the global financial crisis and pushing the unemployment rate to a record 14.7 per cent, which is the highest level since the Great Depression.

In April, the unemployment rate surged by 10.3 percentage points to 14.7 per cent, the largest over-the-month increase in the history of the series dating back to January 1948, the Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS) said in a report.

Since mid-March, numerous US states have rolled out "stay-at-home" policies and shut down non-essential businesses in a bid to slow the spread of the virus, leading companies to cut millions of jobs in weeks.

Employment in leisure and hospitality plummeted by 7.7 million, or 47 per cent, the report showed. The manufacturing sector shed 1.3 million workers, and employment in retail trade was down 2.1 million jobs.

The education and health sector lost 2.5 million jobs. Government employment also dropped by 9,80,000 in April, according to the bureau. Hispanics and African-Americans have been hit the hardest in the job crisis, said the BLS report. President Donald Trump said that with the reopening of the economy, lost jobs will come back.

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Triple antiviral drug combo shows promise for treating COVID-19

A two-week course of antiviral therapy that combines the power of three drugs has shown promise in treating hospitalised patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 in a carefully undertaken phase 2 clinical trial.

The results of the trial, published in the journal The Lancet, involved 127 adults from six public hospitals in Hong Kong.

The drug combination tested in the trial included interferon beta-1b, which was developed to treat multiple sclerosis (MS), and lopinavir-ritonavir, which is normally used to treat HIV and ribavirin, an oral hepatitis C virus drug.

The findings of the phase two trial provided evidence that early treatment with triple antiviral therapy alongside standard care is safe and shortens duration of viral shedding (when the virus is detectable and potentially transmissible) compared to lopinavir-ritonavir alone—average seven days vs 12 days—in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19.

"Our trial demonstrates that early treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 with a triple combination of antiviral drugs may rapidly suppress the amount of virus in a patient's body, relieve symptoms, and reduce the risk to healthcare workers by reducing the duration and quantity of viral shedding," said professor Kwok-Yung Yuen from the University of Hong Kong who led the research.

No new cases in Hong Kong as restrictions ease

Hong Kong recorded no new COVID-19 case on Saturday, a day after the city eased restrictions. Saturday was also the 20th day in a row with no local infections. Health experts earlier suggested that Hong Kong could be considered to be free of local transmission if there were no such cases after 28 days.

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Ex-Matka king Ratan Khatri passes away in Mumbai

Ex-Matka king Ratan Khatri died on Saturday morning in Mumbai. According to sources, Khatri, 88, was ailing for a long time. In 1960s Khatri had joined Kalyan Bhagat to set up Matka in Mumbai.

Matka, a lottery or gambling with number is popularly called as Ankada Jugar. Matka was popular in Mumbai from pre-independence time that involved betting on the opening and closing rates of cotton transmitted from the New York Cotton Exchange. Matka was popular in all classes of Mumbai in 1960s. In 1962 Kalyanji Bhagat, started Worli Matka.

Ratan Khatri had joined Bhagat as a manager. In 1964 Khatri parted his way from Bhagat and formed his own 'Ratan Matka'. The Matka or drawing lots from chits in a pot became so famous that the turnover of the gambling touched Rs 1 crore daily.

According to sources, Khatri had not been keeping well for some time. He was living with his family in Navjeevan Society at Mumbai Central. Khatri passed away on Saturday morning.

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Four-headed Vishnu of Kashmir

The Chaturmukha Vishnu is a very rare form of Vishnu once worshipped in Kashmir from the 8th and 9th century, when it was an important centre of Hinduism. The image shows Vishnu with four heads. Three clear faces are those of Vishnu, the Narasimha or the lion face, and the face of the Varaha avatar. The fourth face varies according to scriptures. Different scriptures describe the fourth head as either a demonic face, or the face of Kapila, or the face of Lakshmi, or even Hayagriva, the horse. In artwork, sometimes, the fourth head is absent and only the other three heads are shown.

This form of Vishnu has not four, but eight arms. Four arms hold the traditional conch shell, discus, mace and lotus flower. The other four hands hold a bow, an arrow, a sword and a shield. Sometimes, the image just has four arms. The gada (mace) is replaced with the gadanari or it is personified as a woman. The chakra is replaced by the chakrapurusha, a wheel embodied as a man.

In the post-Gupta period, we find importance given to Vishnu's weapons, symbolised in anthropomorphic forms. The gadanari is not very popular. In South Indian temples, we find many images of the Chakrapurusha, also known as Sudarshan. The vahana or the mount depicted is Garuda. He is sometimes accompanied by Lakshmi. There is no specific story associated with it. As Hinduism waned from Kashmir, this image died out and did not become popular.

In the Gupta period, imperial lines and dynasties associated themselves with Hinduism and Vishnu. Great value was given to the 'dominating and aggressive' forms of Narasimha and Varaha. Today, however, greater value is placed on the 'bhakti' forms of Ram and Krishna, whose stories are told in the Ramayana and Mahabharata. Only in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha, we find temples of Narasimha and Varaha.

There is no clear story about why Vishnu has four heads. In some places, Vishnu has only three, Brahma has four, and Shiva has five heads to show their relative power. The four heads may link to Vishnu being identified as Krishna, his brother, Balarama, his son, Pradyumna and his grandson, Aniruddha.

The only place, outside of Kashmir, where this image is found, is in Khajuraho, built in the tenth century. The Lakshman temple in Khajuraho has an image of Vishnu Vaikuntha. Here, he has three heads and four hands. The only legend associated with this image is that of the creation of a monster, with the head of a lion and a wild boar. He was told that when another creature who looked exactly like him appeared, he would be destroyed. This is why Vishnu took this form to destroy it.

Today, nobody worships this Vaikuntha form of Vishnu.

In many ways, the image connects royalty to the boar and the lion, symbols of aggression and domination. The hidden face represents the aspect of kingship that will always remain hidden from the public.

Devdutt Pattanaik writes and lectures on the relevance of mythology in modern times. Reach him at

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UK COVID deaths top 31K as another 626 die; six-week-old baby latest victim

Another 626 COVID-19 patients have died in Britain, bringing the total Coronavirus-related death toll in the country to 31,241, environment secretary George Eustice said. The figures include deaths in all settings, including hospitals, care homes and the wider community.

Earlier in the day, the National Health Service (NHS), England, said a six-week-old baby has become one of the latest to die after testing positive for the novel Coronavirus. Chairing the Downing Street daily press briefing, Eustice unveiled a £16-million fund to help support charities which feed some of the country's most vulnerable people hit by the pandemic.

"It is absolutely vital they have the resources they need and this funding will help the most vulnerable in our society get the food they need at this enormously challenging time," he said. The funding is part of the 750-million-pound pot announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak for charities across Britain during the Coronavirus outbreak. As to the exit strategy of lockdown measures, the secretary told reporters that there is not going to be "dramatic overnight change" in the country's lockdown measures.

16m pounds
Fund unveiled to help support charities

Russia reports 10,817 cases in 24 hours

The overall number of Coronavirus cases in Russia increased to 1,98,676 on Saturday after the emergence of 10,817 new infections in the last 24 hour, health authorities said. According to the country's anti-Coronavirus crisis centre, the death toll currently stood at 1,827, while 31,916 people have recovered from the illness so far.

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Vizag gas victims stage protest at plant

Two days after gas leakage from LG Polymers claimed 12 lives and affected hundreds of others, people of Venkatapuram village staged a protest on Saturday with three dead bodies at the chemical plant, demanding justice.

Tension prevailed at the plant as the villagers staged a sit-in at the plant's gate when Director General of Police Gautam Sawang was visiting the site. Some protesters barged into the plant premises. The police had a tough time clearing them and providing safe passage to the top official.

Sawang said that the gas leakage has been plugged and the situation is under control. Sawang said that more technical teams from Delhi will be reaching the site to have further assess the situation and decide the way forward. "The situation is absolutely under control. All the reactions and leakages have been plugged. There is no matter of concern anymore," he said.

Meanwhile, former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu on Saturday urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to rope in national and international experts for health assessment of the people affected by the leakage of gas.

He wrote a letter that the long-lasting impact on the health of those undergoing treatment is of serious concern. It is suspected that the toxins emitted may cause permanent damage to the victims, said Naidu.

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Coronavirus outbreak: No time for large sarvajanik murti for Ganesh Chaturthi

The city might miss seeing Lord Ganesh in his full glory this year, as work on the gigantic idols, which usually adorn the biggest and richest pandals during Ganesh Chaturthi, has taken a big hit due to the Coronavirus outbreak and the resulting lockdown. Sculptors, who usually start work in May for the annual festival that will be celebrated on August 22 this year, have been forced to put all orders on hold, as raw materials aren't available, and most of the artisans are stuck in their hometowns. The government too, hasn't given permission to begin work. With the lockdown extended till May 17, the sculptors say that mandals might have to settle for scaled-down versions of the idol.

Mumbai has over 10,000 sarvajanik Ganesh mandals. To ensure that the idols are delivered on time, sculptors start work three months in advance, first making the pattern, a rough model, which is then corrected with welding at the workshops. Another 20 days are invested in painting the idol, and giving it the final touches. Mandals usually accept delivery of the idols 10 days before the festival begins.

A Ganesh idol-making workshop at Chinchpokli, where work otherwise begins in May, is currently shut due to the lockdown

With the way the situation has panned out till now, work is unlikely to begin before July. This will leave sculptors with just about a month to complete work. Reshma Khatu, daughter of late sculptor Vijay Khatu, says, "Currently, we have put all the orders and planning on hold and are awaiting the government's decision. The crisis doesn't seem to be nearing an end. We do not want to put our workers at risk. Even if one person is detected COVID-19 positive, work will go for a toss and the entire workshop will be sealed."

The other problem is that at least 70 per cent of the workers employed, hail from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. They work in Maharashtra during May to October. Vijay Kumar Soni, hails from Patna, but is currently stuck in Konkan, where he and his employer Rajan Zaad, have been working on rough designs. "We came here in March, and hence could begin work. Some of the dyes are ready, and we hope to get started on the idols when we return to Mumbai. But, I am not sure if the other workers from Patna will be able to make it on time." Zaad, who is a sculptor from Lalbaug, says that he will be requesting the mandals to accept smaller-sized idols.

Sculptor Rajan Zaad says he intends to request mandals to have smaller-sized idols this year

The raw materials for making the larger idols come from Rajasthan and Kerala, while shadu—a kind of clay used for the sculpture—comes from Gujarat. But transportation has taken the biggest hit, and state borders are sealed.

Ankush Kambli, a sculptor from Parel village, says he has started work from home with the help of his family members but is running out of raw materials. Ditching the ubiquitous plaster of Paris, he has decided to use only shadu. "There is no clarity, if we will be able to get back to our routines of working from a workshop. We understand that there is the need for social distancing and that is the sole reason why we are working from home."

Reshma Khatu

The Brihanmumbai Murtikar Samanvay Samiti, an umbrella body of Ganpati sculptors, has decided to share their concerns with the government. Gajanan Tondvalkar, president of the samiti, and a sculptor in Naigaon, Dadar, says, "We will request the government to help ensure transportation of raw materials, so that we can work from home, at least."

Meanwhile, the city's Ganesh mandals, have decided to put discussions about the festivities on hold. Sudhir Salvi, secretary of Lalbaugcha Raja Mandal, says, "Calls that need to be taken regarding the celebrations will be done once the Coronavirus situation is under control." The secretary of Lalbaug Sarvajanik Utsav Mandal, popularly known as Ganesh Galli Ganpati, Swapnil Parab, says the committee is yet to take a decision and will honour the government's directive.

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Postman attached to GPO succumbs to COVID-19

A postman succumbed to COVID-19 on Friday, making him the first casualty in the postal department in Mumbai. The 58-year-old postman, a resident of Kalachowkie, was attached to the delivery department of the GPO. He had blood pressure and heart ailment, for which he was already under treatment. A female staff member, also attached to the delivery section of the GPO, is currently being treated after having tested positive.

Just last week, mid-day had reported how postal staff in Navi Mumbai region were ensuring delivery of pension and facilitating withdrawal of postal savings for the elderly in the area, along with delivering medical kits to hospitals. Swati Pandey, Post Master General, Mumbai Region, said they were informed of the staffer's death on Friday by his son. "As per our record, he had reported to work only once during the lockdown, i.e. April 20. Out of a total of 5,500 several haven't reported to work. We are managing with limited manpower."

She added, "As per directives of Ashwini Bhide, additional municipal commissioner, we have sprayed disinfectant in the delivery section of the post office, sealed it, and have and also started tracking everyone he had come in contact with. So far, none of the contacts have shown any symptoms of COVID-19."

She added that the next of kin would be entitled to all benefits as per the norms and will also be entitled for a R10 lakh compensation, as declared by the Central government in case of a COVID-19 death. In addition to these two cases, a sub-postmaster at the Worli Police Camp Post office, a night guard at Matunga Post Office and a few delivery Postal Assistants have also tested positive.

"However, the staff continues to report to work. Around 20,000 essential articles have been delivered through Nodal Delivery Vehicles and through Window Delivery," an official stated.

No. of postal officers employed in Mumbai region

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Colombian ad company creates bed-cum-coffin

A Colombian advertising company is pitching a novel if morbid solution to shortages of hospital beds and coffins during the coronavirus pandemic: combine them.

ABC Displays has created a cardboard bed with metal railings that designers say can double as a casket if a patient dies. Company manager Rodolfo Gómez said he was inspired to find a way to help after watching events unfold recently in nearby Ecuador.

Families in the coastal city of Guayaquil waited with dead loved ones in their homes for days last month as COVID-19 cases surged. Many could not find or were unable to afford a wood coffin, using donated cardboard ones instead. Gómez said he plans to donate 10 of his new beds to Colombia's Amazonas department, where resources are in short supply. So far there is no indication whether the beds will be put to use and no orders have been placed.

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Coronavirus outbreak: Maharashtra has more than 20,000 COVID cases

Maharashtra's count for COVID-19 cases crossed 20,000 cases and the city had 722 new cases on Saturday. The bar of the state's death toll rose higher with 48 deaths, and 27 of them occurred in Mumbai.

State health officials said that while Mumbai has 12,864 COVID-19 cases, an additional 178 cases have been reported, but are yet to be added to the tally. Apart from 27 deaths that occurred in Mumbai, 10 were reported in Pune, eight in Malegaon and one each in Akola, Nanded and Amravati. State health officials said that the 48 deaths had occurred between April 25 and May 8.

Migrant workers, who were walking to MP on the Eastern Expressway, were herded back by policemen before the Mulund Toll Naka. Pic/Sameer Markande

Civic officials said that among the 27 patients who died, 21 of them were suffering from other ailments and three of the patients who died were less than 40 years old. In order to reduce the burden on the city's hospitals, the civic body is now urging people who test positive but have no symptoms to refrain from visiting hospitals. They are encouraging asymptomatic positive patients to visit COVID care centres instead.

Meanwhile, 25 new cases were reported from Dharavi which included one death. Five of the cases were from Mukund Nagar, the slum pocket with the highest concentration of cases. Dharavi alone now has 833 positive cases. Five other cases were reported from Mahim, 18 in Dadar, including eight cases from Kasarwadi.

In order to avoid the spread of the infection as seen in Dharavi, officials from H West ward are sealing the Khar Danda area, which includes slum pockets. The decision was taken after five members of a family in a residential building in the area tested positive earlier this week. "We found a high-risk patient while tracing the contacts of the family that tested positive. We are sealing the area. We are figuring out the arrangements for food," said an official from H West. In other parts of Bandra West, 13 cases have been reported from Shastri Nagar and 14 from the slaugherhouse near the Bandra Railway Station. Civic officials said another 12 cases have been reported from the Nargis Dutt Nagar slums.

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Ex BMC chief Praveen Pardeshi on 14-day leave

A day after being unceremoniously transferred from the BMC chief's office, senior bureaucrat Praveen Pardeshi proceeded on a 14-day leave, instead of taking charge of the Urban Development Department at Mantralaya.

Sources said he applied for leave because his father is unwell and his wife is self-isolating herself, after having returned from London, where she works with an international organisation. Apart from the Urban Development Department, Pardeshi has also been asked to head the water resources department.

According to sources, the celebrated disaster management expert is also upset with the turn of events. He had been in the run for the Chief Secretary's post.

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Die another day

Elroy Noronha, founder of Goregaon's Indian Funeral Services, has been facing acute labour shortage. The ancillary businesses that supplied flowers and cloth are unable to operate due to the lockdown. "These days, it's a no-frills burial, with not more than three to four people," he says. His core team of four members is filling in. A part of the reason they are able to hold fort is because, along with a drop in staff, there is also a fall in the volume of requests. "Business is down by 30 per cent." Road accident cases are down to nil, and mortal remains from overseas aren't arriving due to the airlines lockdown. In April, he received one such case.

According to the data released by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH), in 2018, more than 1,50,000 people died in road accidents, which is the highest in the world. Paresh Kumar Goel, a director at MORTH, recently revealed that the Coronavirus lockdown will cut road deaths by at least 15 per cent compared to 2018. Noronha says this development is not entirely unexpected given that everyone is staying at home.

Dr Ravikant Singh, founder and president of Doctors for You, an organisation dedicated to disaster

Crematoriums, too, are seeing this pattern. A death registration karkun (DRK) officer at the Hindu crematorium, Aarey Colony, Goregaon East, says that on an average, they receive 125 bodies a month. In April, the figure stood at 108. The crematorium does not admit COVID-19 cases.

It's not just funeral services that have taken a hit, priests are also facing the heat. Yogesh Kanitkar, a pandit at Versova's Shiv Mandir, says the fear of infection has compelled people to make do without them. "Although we take all possible precautions, including wearing gloves and masks and sanitising the equipment, customers are wary of calling us even to funerals. Our community is adversely impacted," he says. Some, however, are sceptical of the trend. Vakola's Sukhant Funeral Management, that operates in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane, has seen a rise in business. "People no longer call their relatives, they phone us. They are confused about how to proceed if there's a death during the lockdown, so, we guide them on how to acquire the death certificate and go about the cremation," says founder Sanjay Ramgude.

Sarva Pooja kits are packed with 38 items

It's the reason why cousins Nitesh Mehta and Hiten Dhruv's venture SarvaPooja is doing brisk business. The duo manufacture funeral kits packed with 38 items, including earthen pots, Gangajal, black sesame seeds and dried cow dung. "The box also has a six-feet-long collapsible bamboo stretcher and can carry a person weighing up to 150 kg, and is assembled in segments," says Mehta, about the kit that is priced at R2,950.

Dr Ravikant Singh is the founder and president of Doctors for You, an organisation dedicated to primary health care. Every summer, he witnesses a drop in the outpatient department (OPD) walk-ins. "Sunny skies are good for us. It's a relatively healthy season compared to the monsoon and winter." There are a number of theories about this, he adds, including the fact that we generally choose foods that are lighter during the hotter months, which in turn lowers cholesterol. "It's easier on your heart."

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A two-legged thera-paw-ist

Dogs are miracles with paws. A dog named Deuce is perhaps the best example of this. He is a three-year-old who had his legs amputated because they were infected. However, he has managed to beat the odds and is able to walk on his two right legs.

"Although, he only has legs on the right side, he is very strong and stable and can walk and run just as steadily as any other dog with four legs," said Domenick Scudera, his pet parent and a theatre professor at Ursinus College in Pennsylvania, to SWNS. Scudera found him in a ditch and rescued him. Not only is Deuce's walking ability a wonder, the sweet pup is a miracle worker who travels to hospitals to visit children as a therapy dog.

Deuce with Lucky

The professor also cares for a couple of other two-legged dogs named Cyrus and Lucky. All three are therapy dogs who inspire others, leading by example. "They have completely changed my life for the better. They mean the world to me," added Scudera. Their story seems to have resonated with others as the three dogs have their own Instagram page with nearly 50,000 followers.

The desi voice America loves

A 14-year-old singing brainiac, who started college at the age of seven, has been accepted into eight Californian varsities

An Indian-American teen prodigy, Tiara Abraham, who graduated from high school at the age of 13, has now been accepted into the music programmes at eight different Californian universities. Abraham became a member of MENSA, the high-IQ society, at the tender age of four and took her first college class at the age of seven. Her ambition is to become an opera performer. "I don't know, it's just something that's in me. I'm just really passionate about it. Singing makes me feel happy, it's my passion," she said to KXTV. Her mother Taji Abraham said, "We are super proud. It's super competitive with these vocal majors."

The 14-year-old is currently a full-time student at American River College. She is trying to choose between the University of Southern California, the University of the Pacific and six others.

Bhangra in Britain

Pic/@100stringsingh, Instagram

Singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh shared a heartwarming video on Twitter, which showed people in London dancing to his song Veervaar. It was originally posted by Twitter user @shergillj99. It features him doing the bhangra and his white neighbours at the other end of the street following his lead.

Grim reaper says stay safe

Pic/@DWUhlfelderLaw, Twitter

Beaches in Florida were recently reopened to the public. People who visited them hoping to catch some sun were shocked, as they spotted a scythe-wielding Grim Reaper at these beaches. Daniel Uhlfelder has been dressing up as the symbol of death and haunting these beaches to protest their opening during the Coronavirus pandemic. He wants people to stay indoors."

Lady drinks smoothies with sperm to stay fit

Pic/Tracy Kiss, Facebook

Tracy Kiss, a UK-based personal trainer, told Metro that she hasn't fallen sick for the past three years because of her smoothies, which contain sperm. She takes three shots a week and makes the smoothies using donations from her boyfriend. The 32-year-old mother of two said, "I found a free and vegan-friendly alternative method to boost the body's immune system.

Elon Musk names his baby X Æ A-12

What's in a name? If you think nothing, you might change your mind as you hear about Tesla CEO Elon Musk naming his baby boy X Æ A-12 Musk. His partner, Grimes, came up with the outlandish name. "...the AE is, like, pronounced Ash," said Musk on comedian Joe Rogan's podcast.

Care to wear a shirt made of waste linen?

Pic/Archivist Studio, Facebook

Archivist Studio, a German clothing brand, has been repurposing linen discarded by luxury hotels into designer shirts. The idea is the brainchild of designer duo Eugenie Haitsma and Johannes Offerhaus, who learned that bed linen get thrown out for the smallest of defects.

A table for one, please

A Swedish restaurant is letting customers enjoy the fine dining experience. The creators of Bord för en (table for one), Linda Karlsson and Rasmus Persson, have placed a wooden table and a chair in the middle of a barren field. Customers have to serve themselves from a picnic basket placed near the table. The guest can pay what they want for the meal. Pics/@bordforen, Facebook

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The runaways

IT was a camel, a mule and a Karachi-Bombay train that he jumped on. Nothing could stop the 13-year-old peasant boy from Yazd travelling 2,500 kilometres to the city of his dreams in 1929. Khodamurad Meherwan realised his prospects were dim in sleepy Mazrekalantary, where men slaved on dry fruit farms and women stoked kitchen fires in long-sleeved, handwoven dresses worn with white jute slippers called maliki.

"He was running away from no real future in Iran," says Khodamurad's daughter Banoo Kalantary, retracing her feisty father's flight. Stopped at the Afghanistan border on a donkey, Khodamurad was asked his surname. "I don't have one," he replied. That's why he became Khodamurad Meherwan Afkham.

He started sweeping the floor of 1860-established New Majestic Restaurant & Stores below Capitol Cinema at VT for five rupees a day. "My father had no home, only hope, but an attitude of gratitude in his heart," Banoo says. He slept on the footpath outside, with a thin gunny sack lining the cold ground. Slogging for years, he got a modest partner share in Majestic at the age of 20. With his wife Vahbiz, from Alliabadi village, he raised five children in a flat on Gunbow Street, Fort, accommodating an aunt with her five kids too.

Khodamurad's first son Jehanbux was born in a goat stable in Iran, the rest here. In a city of military marchpasts on streets that were washed daily, the Afkhams' front door was always wide open. On Fridays, sigri-simmered fish curry was ladled to anyone dropping in. Between chores, the lady of the house somehow caught shows of her adored Raj Kapoor-Nargis starrers at Capitol.

Kapurchand Mehta with Prithviraj Kapoor in 1960. With his brothers Zaverchand and Kevalchand, Kapurchand helmed wide-ranging businesses interests in textiles, real estate and films

Not far from the Afkhams, an iconic cinema and trio of Marine Drive buildings stand centrestage in the story of Nemchand K Mehta's sons. Their grocery-to-glory saga is threaded together by generations after, in Zaver Mahal, Kapur Mahal and Keval Mahal. Nemchand sweated, struggling with meagre earnings from his vegetable shop in Vadal, Saurashtra, to provide for 11 children. Kapurchand, Zaverchand and Kevalchand were born two years apart from 1900 and 1904.

At under 12, Kapurchand boldly left home, walking impossible distances, hopping on to a buffalo buggy and finally steam train. His granddaughter Uma shares an account narrated by her father. "Exhausted and famished, Kapurchand met a woman who gave him one of her two rotlas." He saved a scrap—which, incredibly, Uma has preserved in a casket. "Anything from the hands of a kumarika, an unmarried virgin, was an auspicious shagun offering."

At Bombay Central he was spotted by a Marwari seth and employed in his cloth shop. Buying a lottery ticket, Kapurchand was stunned to find a jingling cascade of coins suddenly his. "Back to work," Nemchand urged his son who returned to Vadal with the surprise treasure. He headed to 1920s Bangalore, opening Kapurchand & Co. in Chickpet. Stocking blankets of the Lal Imli Mills, Kanpur, he invited Zaverchand and Kevalchand to join him.

Filmmaker Vikas Desai at his Rajkamal Studio office stands below the hanging cap of his great-grandfather, Anant Shivaji Desai Topiwala (portrait, right), pre-Independence Bombay’s leading hat maker and pioneer industrialist-philanthropist. Pic/ Bipin Kokate

Bombay beckoning soon, they settled in Prarthna Samaj. Kapurchand shouldered the overall responsibility of their ventures, focusing on finance. With the Lal Imli agency for South India under their belt, Zaverchand managed the Chira Bazaar shop and midtown estates. Kevalchand assumed charge of a film exhibition operation, centred at Roxy on Charni Road, where screen history was rewritten in 1943 with Kismet totting up 192 weeks. Aspiring to a beautiful property each, the brothers commissioned PC Dastoor to create the three buildings.

Another boy bolting from Saurashtra was Shyamdas Govindji Jhaveri, of Kundal in Barwala taluka. A few years after he was orphaned at the age of five, with barely a couple of rupees clinking in his torn pocket, he clocked in unimaginably stretched hours at a Crawford Market stall set up around 1914. Shifting to Metro House, the cinema building, Jhaveri Bros continues to display trophies, silver items and commemorative coins crafted at that counter.

Gradually flourishing, the Jhaveris introduced India to a luxury legend—their door handles are still in the shape of Mont Blanc pens. Adopting the motto, "Customer is master", Shyamdas trained staffers to adhere to ethical standards, meticulously maintaining a file labelled "Thoughts on progressive business". Jhaveri Bros. has witnessed World Wars, civic crises, economic depressions and today's pandemic. Shyamdas' granddaughter Seyjhal says, "We enjoy tremendous trust from local and international clients forever loyal to us."

A humble chana-kurmuri shack he helped his father serve Walawal villagers from, in Sawantwadi, lies at the core of compelling circumstances that brought 10-year-old Anant Shivaji Desai to Bombay. On his father's death, the boy was forced to leave the village with nothing more than a rupee pressed into his hand by a relative. Of which eight annas, or 50 paise, paid for the 13-day boat trip ticket. Two months later, finishing the chinchuk tamarind seeds and kilo of rice his worried mother had packed, he fainted at Grant Road station.

New Majestic Restaurant partner Khodamurad Afkham and his wife Vahbiz with their eldest boy Jehanbux, now a cardiologist in Germany. Jehanbux’s sons are music virtuosos —David Afkham is chief conductor and artistic director of the Spanish National Orchestra and Chorus, while Micha Afkham plays the viola with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Pic courtesy/ Kalantary Family

Employed as a railway labourer there, he learnt tailoring at a mill during his lunch break. This skill won a series of orders and, by 1872, catapulted him to the status of Bombay's best hat maker with a growing appreciative clientele of Parsis, Muslims and Gujarati seths. They paid well for quality caps fashioned with flair by Anant Shivaji Desai. Titled Rao Bahadur Topiwala by the British, he rose to rank among the richest landlords, whose descendants gifted Bombay the Topiwala Medical College at Bombay Central and Topiwala Theatre in Goregaon.

Anant Shivaji Desai also positioned himself as sole agent for Raja Ravi Varma lithographs, acquiring rights to the Baroda and Mysore collections after the painter's death in 1906. Prise open the frame of a Ravi Varma print and you will most probably read: "Anant Shivaji Desai Topiwala, Ravi Varma Press".

A stitch in time similarly saved Camilo Xavier Pereira from life consigned to the islet of Sao Mathias in Divar. Hugging a "passport" granted by Portuguese authorities then ruling Goa, he bunched meagre savings for steamer fare. In this case, the earnings were from his stint as an eight-year-old muncar (tenant) working for a well-inclined lady badcar (landowning employer). Docking in Bombay harbour, he joined hundreds of other young men from his community, living crammed yet in camaraderie, out of a trunkful of belongings in dormitory quarters called coors—waiting to seize the chance to become seamen, chefs, musicians or Konkani tiatr artistes.

Camilo had figured his forte was sewing. In Dhobi Talao's Sonapur Lane, Tony Pereira points to St Mathias Tailors, where his father's scissors snipped classic 1970s three-pieces for Johnny Walker and Mehmood. And bespoke safari suits for tycoon Pranlal Bhogilal who smiled when Savile Row-accoutred tycoons in London asked with admiring looks, "Who cuts your clothes?"

Shyamdas Jhaveri  was the first to import this luxury brand in the country and the shop still has its door handles shaped like Mont Blanc nibbed pens. Pic courtesy/Seyjhal Jhaveri

Equally motivated exits drove starry-eyed boys from small towns to the city they dreamed would never let them down. The success of a pioneer educationist is rooted in kindness—that of institutional legend GD Agrawal of Harganga Mahal at Khodadad Circle, Dadar. He left from Ajmer in his teens, carefully clutching R29 from selling his bicycle. Touched by hungry-to-learn Mazagaon mazdoors' children he saw all over at the height of the city's vibrant textile mills era, he tutored them for free in math and science. Going professional on marrying, Agrawal rented a Matunga room his growing family had to step out from during coaching hours. Agrawal Classes shifted to Harganga Mahal from 1955, their students including Nadir Godrej, Mukesh Ambani and Mahendra Choksi of Asian Paints.

A stowaway from Karachi proving Parsi theatre's extraordinary gain was Jehangir (Jangoo) Irani. The comedian brought the house down as the eccentric domestic help Aspandyar. The third actor essaying this role (predecessor greats were half-French Jean Bhownagary and Pheroze Antia), Jangoo added sparkling touches under Adi Marzban's direction. With a dirty, gingham-check duster slopped across the shoulder and striped shorts ballooning clumsily, he begged a stingy employer for wages.
Hearing excuses like "I pay on the 30th of each month and last month was February", Irani muttered a sulky threat, "Chaal Iran jaaych—I'm off to Iran!"

Fascinated by dramatic showmanship, Jangoo had earlier given Pipsy, his pet squirrel, to visiting Russian circus artistes who taught him stunt cycling and air-gun tricks. His craze to perform made his principal gift him an English bicycle. Scraping through middle school years, he preferred to sit on this cycle perched atop two tables to target-shoot, with candle flames casting flickering shadows around.

An early view of the Jhaveri Bros & Co. corner store at Metro House, with the Mont Blanc van parked in the foreground

Deciding that entertainment-friendly Bombay would be best receptive to his talents, with no money whatsoever, he hushed a chattering black mynah smuggled under his shirt and traded the talking bird for the ship trip. Mechanical-minded, he interviewed with a Godrej firm. At a subsequent job in Central Bank, his acting at annual day skits hooked playwright Pheroze Antia's attention.

The star was the biggest hero to his sons. Shapur Irani recalls he and his brother crept into halls on Sunday evenings to watch their father fire away in the Dari dialect. As he stomped off, mock-huffing, amid loud audience applause, two little lads whispered from the seats, "Chaal Iran jaaych."

Author-publisher Meher Marfatia writes fortnightly on everything that makes her love Mumbai and adore Bombay. Reach her at

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Congress makes legislative council polls tricky

The Congress has declared two candidates, making the ensuing legislative council poll elections more interesting. This means the polls in which CM Uddhav Thackeray is one of the nine candidates, will be decided through voting on May 21, unless one of the 10 candidates for the nine vacancies withdraws next week.

Rajesh Rathod was the Congress's choice cleared by the high command on Saturday. Papa Modi was announced at a state level, indicating that it could be a tactic to get more nominations in future polls. The BJP has fielded four—Ranjitsinh Mohite Patil, Praveen Datke, Gopichand Padalkar and Dr Ajit Gopchhede. The NCP has given tickets to Shashikant Shinde and Amol Mitkari. The Sena has the CM and Neelam Gorhe, deputy chairman of the upper house.

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Accented Pleasures

I am a committed fan of Danish Sait's lockdown videos. Formally, these videos with their minute observational detail of how a variety of people discuss the lockdown (like a man saying to his cook "Jaya, you're not a maid. You're a mermaid") are pithy commentaries on social attitudes, without the self-importance of social commentary. Because of their intense goofiness—Sait wearing a huge moustache as a beauty-parlour deprived woman, using tissue boxes, Bacardi bottles and dumb-bells to represent cellphones—even the most pointed comment dissolved by laughter, is taken, without sticking meanly in your throat.

My favourite sketches are of Pyaari Bakri and Gopal the Goat, featuring Cow-shik the Cow. They are full of appallingly excellent puns like "why you are looking like rogan, no josh?" The story is a proper rom-com, starting with mouth-watering mutual insults, GG admitting his love with, "I'm in love with the sheep of you" and PB being a jealous cat about, well, a cat. With Eid, will their story end like Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak? I'm keeping hausla and preparing myself. But my love for PB, is also personal.

Pyaari Bakri, I could listen to you all day, because you speak in Dakhni. I've lived in Secunderabad. "Kya dillagi karen ji" will switch on my dreamy smile in a second. But, it also reminds me of my Chawal mama who spoke in Dakhni. Not really my uncle, but a close friend of my parents from their Air Force days. I changed his name from Shahul to Chawal with my baby accent, and it became a pet name. Chawal mama told stories, especially of being hoodwinked or bamboozled, with the incipient giggle, self-deprecation and your-deprecation, the delight in outlandish behaviours and atranga characters, even those who wronged you, which come bundled with Dakhni, and make its musciality delicious. He teleported this humorous self-awareness into English. Pyaari Bakri, saying, "Gopal, kaiku itna chindi dikhra", instantly reminds me of Chawal mama exclaiming "that fellow, woh toh rascal nikla sweetheart!" Such humour sees two sides, one's own misfortune and its comedy, laughing at behaviour, not individuals.

It makes life an eccentric, liveable adventure.

I love accents. They bring out the idiomatic taste of language, the way coriander stems highlight a gravy's tendency. The distaste people have for (non-firangi of course) accents, yaniki snobbery, is so #BoreMatKarYaar. Snobs look down on people who say pijja or pis-za instead of peet-za, as provincial. Anything more provincial than snobs? Their palate cannot recognise the salty heaven of an overloaded Haji Ali pis-za, the joyful corruptions in chance encounters of languages, food, music—yaniki creativity in undesignated locations.

Imitating accents is tricky. Done generically, crude outlines of sound, it becomes a way of not knowing; of stereotyping to mock and diminish. Accents done precisely, require attention to a language's entire idiom, its way of being—context. It becomes a way to know and enjoy particularity and difference.

Paromita Vohra is an award-winning Mumbai-based filmmaker, writer and curator working with fiction and non-fiction. Reach her at

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'People need to eat more than just rice and wheat'

The Coronavirus lockdown has exposed our state and nation's deep, economic divide, as it has turned out to be a nightmare for lakhs of migrants and urban poor in Maharashtra. Not only have they lost their livelihood, they are also struggling to eat two square meals a day. "Apart from food, people also need money to pay rent and electricity bills, recharge their phones, meet medical expenses," explained Lalita T of the Stree Mukti Sanghatana, an NGO working for the rights of waste picker women. It has provided dry ration kits to 5,000 waste picker women in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Thane. They plan to carry out another distribution drive within the next couple of weeks.

The central government seems to have taken cognisance of the hunger problem as it has allowed NGOs conducting relief activities to approach the Food Corporation of India (FCI) for procuring food grains (rice and wheat) at subsidised rates from its warehouses. "We have to pick up a minimum of 1,000 kg at once. With trucks refusing to ply during the lockdown, this puts us in a tight spot. An additional challenge is that the wheat that's been allocated is whole grain wheat. It hasn't been milled into flour," said Trina Talukdar, co-founder of Kranti. Kranti first mailed the FCI on April 16 and its request to buy food grains from them was finally approved on May 8. They have provided food essentials to 700 families in Kamathipura and Malad so far, with money raised via private fundraising efforts. Each packet typically lasts a family of five for a month.

Lalita T, consultant with the Stree Mukti Sangathana

Agreeing with Talukdar, Nishant Bangera of the Muse Foundation remarked, "Providing only rice and wheat is inadequate. Why haven't pulses been included? We expected more hand-holding from the government because we lack resources. I'm not just referring to finances, there is also a shortage of volunteers on the ground given that we are dealing with a public health crisis." The founder of the Thane-based NGO revealed that carrying relief supplies for 100 people amounts to carrying more than three tonnes of material. It has been able to help about 500 families as of now. Muse emailed its registration certificate (bearing the charity commissioner's signature) to the authority concerned. Its request to buy rice was approved and it has distributed the same. It decided not to purchase wheat, because with no disposable income at hand and mills shut, recipients can't convert it into flour.

"The state has failed in its responsibility to cater to the needy. It has shifted the onus onto NGOs, but we don't have the kind of infrastructure that the state does, to reach every nook and corner," says Bilal Khan, an activist with the Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao (GBGB) movement. The GBGB kits includes supplies to prepare a basic meal— rice, wheat, pulses, masala, tea, oil, sugar, poha, rava, etc. It's logistically unfeasible for GBGB to procure rice from the FCI and all other materials from elsewhere, they say. GBGB has written to the FCI, but it hasn't heard back from them yet. Khan was one of the petitioners who had approached the Bombay High Court on March 23, seeking to address the gaps in the state government's relief response during the lockdown.

Ulka Mahajan, social worker

"It's the government's constitutional responsibility to provide food for everybody. We also want all the interstate and intrastate migrant workers to be safely transported back to their hometowns after their wages are settled," said Ulka Mahajan, a prominent social worker, who was a co-petitioner along with Khan. Mahajan feels that instead of solely depending on non-profits for distribution of food, they should also have been made stakeholders in the discussion around the lockdown and its exit plan. She stated the example of Kerala as a state which has benefitted from doing the same.

The divisional manager of the FCI in Mumbai, Avinash Dhabade, dismissed allegations of red tape claiming that, "More than 50 NGOs in Mumbai, such as the Rehbar Foundation and Citizens for Justice and Peace, have picked up food grains from us so far. NGOs engaging in relief work have to mail us their registration certificate, bearing the signature of the charity commissioner, online. If everything is in place, we will approve their request on the very same day."

Mukta Srivastava, right to food activist

As far as the stipulation to pick up one metric tonne of grains at once is concerned, Dhabade said that his hands are tied because the FCI is simply following a central government directive.

In what seems like a cruel joke, the Centre has decided to use the surplus stock of rice in its warehouses to make hand sanitiser by converting it into ethanol. The decision was taken at a meeting of the National Biofuel Coordination Committee (NBCC) based on the national policy on biofuels, which allows for the conversion of excess grains into ethanol. This move comes across as high-handed and insensitive, given the food insecurity of innumerable people in major cities across the country.

Trina Talukdar, co-founder, Kranti

"What about those who haven't registered themselves with the Maharashtra Building and Other Construction Workers' Welfare Board for instance? Or those who don't possess ration cards and so, they are excluded from the government's Public Distribution System," asks Mukta Srivastava, a Right to Food activist, questioning the government's apathy towards its most vulnerable.

Nishant Bangera, founder, Muse Foundation

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Mumbai Crime: 24-yr-old held for attacking 3 cops with chopper near Marine Drive

A 24-year-old man has been arrested for attacking two police officers and a constable, who were on nakabandi duty at Marine Drive in the early hours of Saturday.

According to the police, the Marine Drive police had set up nakabandi at the Mafatlal Bath junction, near Chowpatty on Friday night. At around 1.30 am, cops noticed a person walking with a chopper in his hand. When the police tried to stop him, he fled. The police finally apprehended him near SK Patil Udyan, near Charni Road. A scuffle ensued, and the man attacked the cops with his chopper.

The weapon used to attack the cops

Three policemen, Police Inspector Jitendra Kadam, Police Sub-inspector Sachin Shelke and Constable Sagar Shelke, were injured in the attack, and were admitted to JJ Hospital. The cops have suffered injuries to their shoulders and hands.

The accused has been identified as Karan Pradeep Nair, a resident of Silver Oak Estate in Cumballa Hill.

Sources said that Nair is a graduate in architecture, but is unemployed. He lives with his mother, a retired clerk with Air India, and a younger sister. "Initial investigations have revealed that Nair was a drug addict. He had a heated argument with his mother before leaving the house on Friday night. He was so angry that while walking out, he grabbed a chopper and told her that he would not spare anyone who came in front of him."

When contacted, Sangram Singh Nishandar, DCP (Zone 1), said, "He has been arrested, and investigations are on." Nair has been booked under Sections 307 (attempt to murder), 332 (voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty), 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons) and various sections of the IPC.

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Even the Coronavirus can't stop rampant Pangolin poaching

It seems that there is rampant poaching of pangolins taking place during the lockdown in the Konkan belt, and their scales are being illegally sold in the local black market. During the raids, the forest department recovered two kilograms of pangolin scales and six nails. The pangolin is one of the most trafficked wild animals across the world as there is a huge international demand for its scales.

Range Forest Officer (RFO), Vaibhav Borate, said, "Based on the tip-off received from our sources, our forest department team raided the house of Kalpesh Tukaram Balgude at Karanjali [Balgudewadi] village near Dapoli. During the search operation of the house, our team recovered one tortoise shell, one jungle hare, and 22 kg of pangolin scales and nails. We have taken the accused into custody and investigation is on."

As evidence related to wildlife trade have been found from the house of the accused, the forest department is exploring the possibility of him doing this regularly. The forest department team has registered an offence under various sections of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.

According to the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB) website, "Major threats to pangolins in India are hunting and poaching for local consumptive use and international trade. Another reason for hunting pangolin is its meat. There is now greater evidence of its inclusion in illicit international trade, in particular its scales, from India through Myanmar to China and South-East Asian countries as the most likely, final destinations. Inadequate information on population and distribution further accentuates the threats arising from hunting and poaching."

The Indian Pangolin is found sporadically throughout the plains and lower slopes of hills from south of the Himalayas to Kanyakumari, except the north-eastern region. The Chinese Pangolin is found in India in Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Assam, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram and the northern part of West Bengal.

Why Pangolins?

Pangolins are the most trafficked mammal in the world, for their scales [made of keratin], which are boiled off their bodies for use in traditional medicine. Their meat is a delicacy in Vietnam and China; and their blood, which is considered to be a healing tonic.

Pangolin could help find cure for COVID-19?

Soon after the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, there were many media reports that claimed that the endangered pangolin was linked to the initial outbreak of the disease in China. However, this hasn't been proven yet. Now, a research conducted by the Medical University of Vienna in Austria, has revealed that certain genes sense when a virus enters the body, and trigger an immune response in most mammals. They found that pangolins, which have been called the 'missing link' between bats and humans, lack two of those virus-sensing genes. This means that not only are the endangered animals carriers, but they also seem to be immune to it, via an unknown mechanism. This evolutionary advantage and its understanding may give way to possible treatment options for COVID-19.

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Meet the man who creates realistic replicas of trains

Akash Kamble fell in love when he was a little boy. And once he set eyes on her languid, unending, lithe body, he was hooked.

His mother would take him along on the Mumbai local, from Bhayandar to Charni Road every day, so that her in-laws could babysit while she finished a day's work at her Fort office. Travelling in the train, watching it fly past through the window grill, had Kamble realise he loved trains deeply enough to work around them.

To acquire the weather beaten look of a diesel locomotive, Kamble uses candle light against the aluminium sheets

"I would observe them carefully during the commute and went on to make my first cardboard train model of a two-coach local when I was in Class VIII," says Kamble, 23, who is a mechanical engineer and holds the job of a Station Master with the Mumbai Monorail.

The rail model enthusiast thought the lockdown was the perfect opportunity to wrap up a few more models. He has, in the last five weeks, made 11 models of hi-class trains, from locomotives to local coaches.

"I first started with cardboard and foam-based train and engine models, but later moved to working with aluminium. My research involves reading about trains, their specifications and poring over their drawings. I make models of 1:35 scale, realistic and a perfect match [to the original]. The continuous involvement slowly leads to perfection," says Kamble, a resident of Ambernath, adding, "I have made a model of the most powerful green coloured WAG-9 electric locomotive and two coaches of the Garib Rath train. Besides this, one of my favourites is the diesel locomotive, a few coaches of the Mumbai local and a mail express."

He has also found the time to give finishing touches to earlier models, giving them a realistic feel. To acquire a weather beaten look of a diesel locomotive, he uses candle light against the aluminium sheets.

In 2019, Kamble joined what he calls his dream job. And, next on his agenda is to make a "replica of my employer". He has acquired drawings and technical specifications of the Mumbai Monorail and hopes to complete the project before the city chugs back to normal.

The ratio scale to which the mechanical engineer makes his models

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Newly-appointed BMC commissioner Iqbal Chahal reports for duty

A day after the new BMC chief Iqbal Chahal took over, he spent the day visiting Nair Hospital, which is a designated facility for COVID-19 patients, and Dharavi which has the highest concentration of positive cases in the city. Apart from taking stock of the situation at both places, Chahal also had discussions with the hospital staff, patients as well as residents of Dharavi.

Chahal visited the Nair premises on Saturday morning, accompanied by Additional Municipal Commissioner Suresh Kakani and hospital dean Dr Mohan Joshi. Chahal also interacted with the doctors and nurses about the issues they are facing, and told them that they could raise their concerns with him. "He wore a PPE and also visited the wards and met with patients to inquire about their health. The purpose of the visit was to understand the ground realities and also take feedback from the staff.

Chahal took stock of the community toilets in Dharavi. Pic/Suresh Karkera

He has asked the hospital staff to approach him with any requirements," said Dr Gautam Bhansali, consultant physician with Bombay Hospital who accompanied Chahal. After Nair Hospital, Chahal visited Mukund Nagar in Dharavi. He also took a round of the community toilets. He asked the ward officials to ensure that the toilets have a steady supply of handwash and that they are cleaned regularly.

He directed the ward officials to take up contact tracing more comprehensively. "The commissioner has asked for the total number of people, who tested positive from dense slum pockets and those who lived in residential buildings. He wanted to understand the ratio of patients who have tested positive from both areas. He has also asked us to identify more high-risk patients and place them under quarantine," said an official.

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Lobo Lobo and the lockdown

Lobo Lobo came over last Monday, carrying many cartons of alcohol.

"Lobo Lobo, you know there's a lockdown, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Dikuna men, de BMC has agreed to the opening of liquor stores, so I decided to buy lots and lots of booze before dey close once again. I left my house early, and bought one bottle per store from Virar to VT men. I have totally purchased 20 whiskies, 10 vodkas, tirty Old Monks and many beers from 414 shops!" he proclaimed proudly.

"How did you escape all the nakabandis?

"It was easy, Boss! On top of each carton, I packed some set-top boxes, and told de cops dat all de ministers in Mantralaya needed new cable connections to watch reruns of Ramayana and Mahabaratha. Clever no?"

"And risky! Anyway. How are things generally? You've lost weight, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Wot to say? I'm toh jacked men. See fust tings fust. We were observing Lent, so I was fasting, like I normally do. No bleddy beef or booze, chhe! But, just wen I tought, now 'majha begins', just before Easter, de blasted virus struck! Now we are not getting any poke, or beef or mutton or fish. No sorpotel or vindaloo. Only bleddy chicken, which no self-respecting catlick eats men. Chhe! Dis Lent followed by lockdown is solid 'pakaoing' men! Even Christ our Lord, if he had predicted dat Lent was going to be followed by a lockdown, he would have said, 'My children forget fasting for me. For now eat, drink and be happy'."

"How about veggies, greens, sprouts, salads? Time to eat healthy, Lobo Lobo..."

"Arre Mr Rahul. I love bhindi and bhaingan. But, my better half, can't cook veggies for nuts. She actually argues dat tings like 'rajma' is bad for you, bloats your tummy! Wot to argue wid her men?"

"So, Lobo Lobo, you came all the way to my house for a reason right? Are you planning to sell me some whiskey, or are you lonely, feeling isolated, stuck in a cage-like existence?"

Lobo Lobo answered, gobsmacked, "Wot wot high funda tings you are aksing me men? Are you ok? I'm talking about technology men. I'm toh lost handling all dis stuff, wot is a Zoom call, can you tell me?"

"Uhm… who do you wish to communicate with?", I attempted to answer.

"My bleddy building society wants to have a Zoom party… Dese blighters all want to sit in frent of dere phones or laptops and drink and do blinking 'gupshup'. My tird floe padosi, de President Danesh Jhujunwalla, tells me dat he is a teetoteller but I know he is a 'boozard', chhe! And de treasurer, Champak Dudani is a foren returned smuggler. All want to drink men, chhe wastrels!"

"But, Lobo Lobo can you explain why you have bought so much alcohol?"

"Arrey men, de way tings are going, dis lockdown will end in 2021. Better be ready na Dikuna men? Who knows wen shops will reopen?"

Rahul daCunha is an adman, theatre director/playwright, photographer and traveller. Reach him at

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Mumbai Diary: Sunday Dossier

Fiddler on the roof

A child fiddles with a phone while his guardian takes a nap on the roof of a shanty in Dharavi on Saturday. Pic/Suresh Karkera

Lockdown deliveries

Ever since the lockdown was imposed in the city in March, many households have missed cooking fresh stock of fish. Almost two months into practicing self-isolation, some still miss the whiff of fish lingering in their kitchens. But, Ganesh Nakhawa, who also goes by the name The Last Fisherman of Bombay, is delivering happiness to your doorstep.

Nakhawa, chairman of the National Purse Siene Fishermen Welfare Association, is making it a point to deliver prawns and other fish to hardworking policemen. He drives around in his car late evenings to get this job done. A picture uploaded on his social media shows him handing over a bag of freshly cleaned prawns to a local cop, who looks evidently happy. The caption reads: "From one essential worker to another."

Why Test specialist Cheteshwar Pujara is unique

Cricket runs in the blood for only one cricketer in the current India Test team— Cheteshwar Pujara—whose father Arvind  was a first-class player. Arvind opened the innings for Saurashtra in the 1970s, well before his star batsman son was born in 1988.

But 50 seasons ago in 1969-70, there were several father-son examples in Indian cricket. Take for example, the fifth Test between India and Australia at Chennai where the India XI included skipper Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi, whose father Iftikhar captained India in 1946.

Arvind pujara

Also present was Ashok Mankad, the son of legendary all-rounder Vinoo and Lala Amarnath's son Mohinder. There were more such examples in domestic cricket in that season. All-rounder Syed Gulrez Ali, the son of Syed Mushtaq Ali, was a key performer for Madhya Pradesh while Anshuman Gaekwad was taking his early steps on the first-class scene for Baroda six seasons after dad Dattajirao ended his domestic cricket career. Interestingly, Mumbai giants like Ajit Wadekar, Dilip Sardesai and Farokh Engineer played against Gaekwad senior and junior. Ranjit, the son of ex-India skipper Vijay Hazare, first played Ranji Trophy cricket in the 1966-67 season, but had to make a comeback after five years.

The 1970s were great for 'relative' cricket. You had the Mankads—Ashok, Atul and Rahul, Amarnaths— Mohinder, Surinder and Rajinder, all playing a high level of cricket while their dads watched on. Vinoo passed away in 1978 while Lala, who bid goodbye in 2000, used to be on tour with his sons due to his commentary commitments. As for Anshuman's father, he is still going strong at 91, having seen his grandson Shatrunjay make his first-class debut in 2003, an honour Mushtaq Ali lived to experience as well with Syed Abbas Ali.

Just give him a call for a job

Dilip Merala

In a world that's soon going to be flooded with resumes, how do you stand out? Dilip Merala, a 34-year-old student at The University of Texas, Dallas, has found the perfect tune to break the clutter. In a one-minute, 12-second video titled "Résumé Song —For Recruiters Looking to Hire Product Managers and Data Analysts" which is posted on his YouTube channel, Merala strums the guitar and tells recruiters over a song that "he's their guy".

A screenshot of Merala singing the Resume song

Merala, who is from Mumbai, is currently in Richardson, Texas. On why he made the video, he says, "There is nothing original about an International Master's student nervously looking for a job on the verge of graduation. So, one day when I was home thinking about approaching recruiters, some words came to mind and I put them together in a song. When I recorded it, I thought 'Hey, that's not bad! Let me share it and see what happens'."

No trash talk for this CEO

While most us of are locked up indoors, Anil Chowta, founder and CEO of Ecosac Utility Bags has been driving across the city in his car to personally deliver the eco-friendly garbage bags called kachra sack.

"As most of the delivery staff don't have their own vehicles, they would've been more vulnerable to the exposure of the virus, posing a risk to their own and customer health. I deemed it safer to fulfill the deliveries myself as I have the resources and access to all necessary precautionary measures," said Chowta, who has covered areas ranging from Cuffe Parade to Kandivli.

Reuben's roast about rappers

Comedian Reuben Kaduskar is serving his audience on YouTube fresh roasts every couple of weeks. Kaduskar's new series titled Rage Against features him ranting about things that annoy him and his audience. The first installment saw him take down diss tracks (a song where the primary purpose is to insult someone else) by desi hip hop artistes trying to verbally attack each other. "I have grown up witnessing some legendary beefs between rappers such as Tupac and Biggie, Nas and Jay-Z.

So, as a fan of hip hop, I was disappointed to see the quality of some of the Indian diss tracks. I decided to make a video about it because I want Indian hip hop to grow and evolve," he explained. The funnyman speaks about the toxic masculinity in these songs, their dismal lyrical quality, the use of playground insults, rappers bragging about their own success etc. He aims to help people take their minds off the Coronavirus crisis by creating content that is distinct. The next one in the series is going to be about TikTok videos. "I think it will be interesting to explore how they are entertaining and annoying at the same time."

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Touching a raw nerve to relieve the pain

An elderly lady walked into my consultation room with two girlfriends, chewing gum. Her Gucci shades were stationed over her salt-and-pepper hair and she wore a black dress. Her wrists and ankles were crowded with beaded trinkets.

"Hi!" she said, greeting me with a firm handshake and a brief introduction as I jotted her name. "And your age?"

"Twenty-six!" she blurted, followed by a big smile because it made me look up and stare at her intently.

"Okay, just reverse that," she reconciled before I could say anything. "Any diabetes, blood pressure?" I proceeded, smiling through the usual questions, still wondering in my head her fancy for playing the fool with me about her age.

"Any heart issues?"

"I keep falling in love, doctor!" she said bluntly, as two ladies accompanying her rolled their eyes, gesticulating for her to behave. I shook my head at them, hinting that they let her comfortably continue.

Some patients like to bring on a keen familiarity early on in their meetings with physicians or surgeons. Some may be suffering from a grim diagnosis and might want to appear like they are perfectly fine with it. Others might come with the idea that "since this is someone whose knife I'm going to go under, we might as well be friends first'" For some, it might simply be their personality or disposition. As surgeons, we refrain from judging atypical behaviour unless it helps with the diagnosis.
"What brings you to me?"

"I have this shooting pain in my right jaw. It's like an electric shock that sometimes goes into my cheek as well. I can't brush, eat, swallow or chew," she continued, wincing as she opened her mouth to remove the gum she was chewing with difficulty, wrapping it tidily in a tissue paper. Thinking it was tooth pain, she had visited the dentist but had eventually been told to see a neurosurgeon. The medication she had been prescribed was no longer helping and she had been living with the pain for close to two years. "Sometimes, I feel like jumping off the Bandra-Worli Sea Link."

I told her friends to ensure that she didn't take that route on her commute for now.

She was pretty well-informed and knew enough about her condition, trigeminal neuralgia. It occurs when a blood vessel in the brain presses on the trigeminal nerve that supplies sensation to the face. The pain can sometimes be so severe that it pushes patients towards contemplating suicide. Some women patients have told me that it's infinitely worse than the pain of labour without an epidural. Owing to the location of the pain, most patients visit a dentist first, and when a root canal doesn't help, they are referred to a neurologist.

"Having a drink at night makes the pain a little better," she confessed.

"In the good, old days, they used to inject alcohol directly into the nerve to numb it," I said. She thought I was joking but it's a fact.

The current options were to inject glycerol or ablate the root of the nerve with some radiofrequency current. The drawback —the pain would be replaced by semi-numbness since it's a destructive procedure. Or, we could use the Gamma Knife, where a single dose of focused radiation could do the trick. And finally, there was surgery—a little more invasive, but offering the best chance of cure and the least chance of recurrence. I explained that we'd make a small hole in the skull behind the ear and place a pad of Teflon between the vessel and the nerve so that direct contact between the two was eliminated.

After understanding her options, she opted for surgery. "You just want to go back to drinking without pain," I said in jest.

At surgery, under the magnificence of the microscope, we could see the offending vessel deeply grooving her nerve. When it was lifted gently after meticulously dissecting tiny strands connecting the two, I could see how pale and beat up the nerve looked. I teased the strands of the padding material Teflon and interposed them in the right place, transposing the vessel away to avoid any contact. As we were closing, I told my surgical assistant that this was one of the most gratifying neurosurgical procedures he would ever do. The charming lady woke up completely pain free, and over the next few days, we managed to get her off all painkillers.

Two days after discharge, she sent me this text message: "For the first time in several years, I could brush my teeth and eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner without any pain. What's still better is that I could have the single malt, pain-free!"

"You are now permitted to use the Sea Link," I replied.

The writer is practicing neurosurgeon at Wockhardt Hospitals and Honorary Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Group of Hospitals. You can reach him at

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'Severe COVID-19 cases will have to test negative through RT-PCR'

The Union Health Ministry said on Saturday the COVID-19 patients who were severely ill will have to test negative through RT-PCR test before being discharged from a hospital. This decision is part of the revised discharge policy issued by the government. The ministry said, "The revised discharge policy is aligned with the guidelines on the 3-tier COVID facilities and the categorisation of the patients based on clinical severity." Patients having mild, very mild and pre-symptomatic and also moderate cases of COVID-19 do not require the RT-PCR test before discharge.

'Punjab paying price'
Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh lashed out at the Maharashtra government, alleging that it had lied when stating that migrants working in Nanded had undergone a COVID-19 test. On reaching Punjab, 969 of them tested positive, which Singh blames on the Maha Agadhi-led Maharashtra government in which the Congress is an ally of the Shiv Sena.

When mentioned that initially Punjab contained the virus well but of late, there has been a spurt in the COVID-19 tally, he said, "Yes, there has been a spurt in the cases because of the large number of migrants who came back from Nanded and Rajasthan. Suddenly, we saw around 7,000 people entering Punjab from these states on a single day."

The CM continued, "Even though we were assured by the Maharashtra government that all the pilgrims being sent back from Nanded had been tested thrice, it turned out that they had only been screened and no testing was done. We are paying the price for their negligence."

13 CISF men test positive
In a big scare for the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), at least 13 more personnel of the force have tested positive, out of which 10 were deployed with the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC). Till date, 543 Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) troops have tested positive across the country.

JNU to return to classes
With restrictions easing out and shops opening, the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) too is all set to restart. The students are expected to return to their classrooms between June 25 and June 30.

The new academic calendar was announced keeping in view of the pandemic and the UGC guidelines. "This academic calendar has been unanimously approved by all the Deans of Schools and Chairpersons of Special Centres," read a statement issued by JNU vice Chancellor Jagadesh Kumar.

Chat portal to help migrants
To help the migrant workers stranded in several states, the Congress, on Saturday, launched a web portal in UP, even as the political slugfest continued over rail fares of migrants being ferried by Shramik Express trains. The Congress launched the portal to help UP workers stranded in other states as well as those stuck in the state. The portal has been developed by Valuefirst free of cost.

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First evacuation flight with 326 Indians from UK lands in Mumbai

Air India's first evacuation flight with 326 Indians from London landed at Mumbai Airport on Sunday. According to Indian high commission in the UK, the flight took off from London on Saturday on board 326 people. It landed at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport. On Monday, India announced had that it will begin phased repatriation of its citizens stranded abroad from May 7.

The government said that Air India will operate 64 flights in the first week from May 7 to May 13 to bring back around 15,000 Indian nationals.

On day three of the 'Vande Bharat Mission', flights carrying Indians from the Gulf countries, the United Kingdom, Bangladesh and Malaysia arrived in India.

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Mumbai Police assistant sub-inspector dies of COVID-19

Mumbai Police on Sunday informed about the death of assistant sub-inspector (ASI) attached to the Vinoba Bhave Nagar Police Station and said he was battling coronavirus. "Mumbai Police regrets to inform about the unfortunate demise of ASI Sunil Dattatray Kalgutkar from Vinoba Bhave Nagar Police Station. ASI Kalgutkar had been battling Coronavirus. We pray for his soul to rest in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Kalgutkar family," Mumbai police tweeted on Sunday.

The number of COVID-19 cases in Maharashtra has risen to 20,228 with 1,165 new cases reported on Saturday, state Public Health Department said. According to the official media bulletin, 48 deaths were reported due to the infection from the state on Saturday.

The number of COVID-19 patients discharged after full recovery from the disease reached 3,800 with 330 patients discharged yesterday.

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Mumbai: 60-year-old COVID-19 patient commits suicide in hospital

A 60-year-old coronavirus patient admitted at Seven Hills Hospital in Mumbai has committed suicide. "Prakash Devadiga, a 60-year-old COVID-19 patient, committed suicide by hanging after making a noose with a pyjama hanging from an iron mesh in 9th floor of Seven Hill Hospital," said a police official of MIDC police station.

No suicide note has been found from the possession of Devadiga, the official added.

The MIDC police station has registered an Accidental Death Report and an investigation is underway.

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Mumbai: Three rescued, five feared trapped as wall collapses in Kandivali

The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) on Sunday informed that few people were feared to be trapped under the debris after a wall of a house collapsed in Kandivali (West) area of Mumbai. According to NDRF, so far three people have been rescued.

"Four to five people possibly trapped after wall of a house collapsed in Kandivali (West) area of Mumbai. 3 people rescued till now," the NDRF said.

A rescue operation is underway at the mishap site.

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India's COVID-19 count reaches 62,939, deaths at 2,109

India's COVID-19 count crossed 60 thousand on Sunday, with Maharashtra being the worst-affected due to the infection so far, according to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The number of total confirmed cases in the country rose to 62,939, including 19,358 patients who have been cured and discharged or migrated, according to the Ministry.

The total number of active cases in the country, therefore, stands at 41,472. The number of deaths in the country due to the infection reached 2,109 on Sunday.

While Maharashtra, with 20,228 cases is the worst-affected state, it is followed by Gujarat with 7,796 and the national capital, Delhi, with 6,542 cases. Tamil Nadu, is marginally behind Delhi with 6,535 cases.

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Teen booked for raping 10-year-old girl in Uttar Pradesh

In a shocking incident, a 14-year-old boy has been booked for allegedly raping a 10-year-old girl in the Ghatampur area of the district, police said. The accused and the victim belong to the same village. Circle Officer Ghatampur, Ravi Kumar Singh, said, "The accused will be sent to a juvenile correction home after being produced before a magistrate on Sunday."

The officer said that the girl had gone for cattle grazing near the Rindh river on Friday afternoon where the boy caught hold of the girl and raped her. The girl returned home and narrated her ordeal to family members, who informed the local police. The police sent the girl to a hospital for medical examination and after the report confirmed rape, the police took the boy into custody.

The boy was also severely thrashed by the family of the victim and the villagers.

"A case under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) has been registered," said the circle officer.

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MSEDCL opens more payment options for consumers

All category MSEDCL consumers including the residential and CHS (Co-operative Housing society) consumers having bill amount 10,000 & above can now avail the facility of RTGS and NEFT along with the online bill payment options.

The MSEDCL consumers primarily pay their electricity bills through cheque even if the online facility is available. However, due to the corona virus pandemic, the lockdown has affected the banking transactions. Considering this situation, MSEDCL has given the option of RTGS and NEFT for consumers having a bill of 10,000 and above. Even the single and three phase residential consumers having a bill of 10,000 and above, can make payment through this system. Along with this, the consumers can make online payment through credit card, net banking, debit card, google pay, cash card, UPI, digital wallet etc.

MSEDCL is printing the bank details on the electricity bills of residential and CHS consumers whose bill is more than 10,000. These consumers can avail this facility by using the virtual account details of MSEDCL given on their bill in their RTGS and NEFT application they submit to their bank. Also, the consumer can make payment only in the account number given on their electricity bill.

Direct Link through SMS
To make payment remotely from their home, MSEDCL sends direct payment link via SMS to LT consumers. A direct payment link is being sent via SMS including the details of bill amount, due date, etc to the consumers who have registered their mobile number with MSEDCL. The consumer can make payment using this link. The consumers who have not yet registered their mobile number with MSEDCL can send a SMS through that number typing MREG (space) (12-digit consumer number) to 9930399303. Apart from this, the consumer can also register by logging on to MSEDCL website i.e. or MSEDCL's Mahavitaran Mobile app.

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Five Air India pilots test positive for COVID-19, had flown cargo flights to China

Five Air India pilots, who had undertaken cargo flights to China, have tested positive for coronavirus during the pre-flight COVID-19 test. Sources in the national carrier told ANI that all five pilots are currently asymptomatic and are based in Mumbai.

The pre-flight COVID-19 test is carried out 72 hours before the pilots are rostered for flight duties.

"All of them are asymptomatic and based in Mumbai. They had undertaken cargo flights to Guangzhou, China," sources said.

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Development: OECD and donor countries focus on Covid-19 crisis after 2019 aid increase

Spurred by a rise in 2019 development aid, the OECD and its donor member countries are working to help the most vulnerable countries during the coronavirus crisis. Official development assistance (ODA) provided by OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members rose by 1.4% in real terms to USD 152.8 billion in 2019.


Health: Covid-19 crisis underscores need to address trade in fake pharmaceuticals

Recent seizures of fake medical supplies being marketed as protection against coronavirus (Covid-19) have underscored the need to address a growing international trade in counterfeit pharmaceuticals. The trafficking of fake or defective medicines is costly and puts lives at risk, according to the new OECD and EU reports.


Colombia: Global OECD welcomes Colombia as its 37th Member country

Colombia formally became an OECD Member country on 28 April, the 37th country to do so in the Organisation’s near 60-year history. This brings to a successful conclusion an accession process that began in 2013. “Colombia can be rightly proud of what is truly an exceptional achievement,” OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría said.


Stability And Growth: What Role For EU Cohesion Policy?

The European Union faces serious challenges today, with public finances in poor shape, weak long-term growth prospects and an unemployment level close to 10%. In this context, the regional policy can play a crucial role to unleash the growth potential of our economies, says OECD Secretary-General.


Working Paper 2011/7: The Competitiveness of Global Port-Cities:The Case of the Seine Axis

This working paper offers an evaluation of the performance of the ports of the Seine Axis (Le Havre,Rouen, Caen and Paris).


International conference: Building quality jobs in the recovery (Dublin, Ireland)

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