
3D Scanning and Model-Based Definition: A New Look at GD&T

The use of advanced 3D scanning tools is revolutionizing quality control, design, and manufacturing, particularly with the adoption of digital standards and 3D printing. However, this shift presents challenges in maintaining consistent standards globally and across different regulations.


Your Manufacturing Process Deserves Digitally Connected 3D Measurement Data

Digital connectivity is a driving feature of our lives. While invaluable in our personal lives, it also has the potential to transform manufacturing processes. In many cases, this has already taken root. But in one area – 3D measurement activities – it has so far not been used to the fullest.


Fundamentals Matter: Why GD&T Remains Essential in Modern Manufacturing

As emerging technologies like AI and robotics capture attention, foundational engineering principles remain crucial. Essential for innovation, these include material science and control theory. ASME’s Y14.5 Standard on geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) is key for advanced manufacturing.


The Rise of Industry 4.0 and its Impact on Metrology

These advancements made our factories smarter by enabling systems to communicate with each other, share live data, and make decisions without human intervention. 


Polígonos hiperbólicos regulares convexos y estrellados. Relaciones y representación

The worksheet shows a procedure for the representation in de Poincaré disc of convex and self-intersecting regular hyperbolic polygons.


Resolución y construcción de polígonos hiperbólicos rectángulos convexos

The worksheet shows a procedure for the resolution and construction of convex right-angled hyperbolic polygons, given p-3 sides of the polygon.


Resolución y construcción de polígonos hiperbólicos convexos y autointersectantes

The worksheet shows a procedure for the resolution and construction of convex and self-intersecting hyperbolic polygons, given 2p-3 data of the sides and angles of the polygon.


Polígonos hiperbólicos rectángulos regulares convexos y estrellados. Relaciones y representación

The worksheet shows a procedure for the representation in de Poincaré disc of regular right-angled, convex and star hyperbolic polygons.


Relaciones entre los elementos de un polígono hiperbólico

In the present worksheet is shown a procedure to obtain the relations for the sides and angles of a hyperbolic polygon, no matter its number of sides. The study consists of two parts, the first for polygons in general and the second for right-angled polygons in particular. The results can be applied, for instance, to the construction of hyperbolic polygons. For that, the required number of data is 2p-3, p being the number of the sides of the polygon.


Stepwise precession of a double elastic-spherical pendulum

The physical effect known as stepwise precession is a surprising fact that takes place in the movement of an elastic pendulum. When this pendulum is initially set near the downward equilibrium vertical configuration, with the length of the spring stretched by the gravity force, there is a chance to move in such a way that the springing vibrational mode of movement and the rotational "swing" mode interchange periodically their respective energies, with a periodic change of the swing plane and stepwise precession. We simulate here numerically the same dynamical behaviour for the natural extension of a double elastic-spherical pendulum.


Electric Potential Near a Lightning Rod

The electric field around a narrow conical point can be very high, and such a behavior is the reason for the effectiveness of lightning rods. We use Maple's LegendreP function to visualize the electric potential near a lightning rod.


The Orbit of Kepler 16b

NASA's Kepler space telescope recently made the news by finding a planet that orbits a double-star system, a situation that brought to mind the fictional planet Tatooine of the movie Star Wars. On such a planet, if it had a solid surface, you could see a double sunset. This worksheet explores the orbital mechanics of such a system.



Maple includes a full featured programming language for that can be used to create scripts, programs, and full applications.


Proper HVAC Setup Lowers Energy Costs for Marijuana Producers

The legal cannabis market continues to represent the dot-com era. Plenty of opportunity remains.


Building Operators Use Array of Indoor Air Quality Tools to Ease Concerns

Building operators want people back, and they’re investing in IAQ upgrades to help ease occupant concerns.


Prisons Lack HVAC, and They Lack Funds to Add It

The pandemic brought a lot of HVAC-related issues to the public’s attention. One of these was the state of air quality in prisons and jails.


Homeowners Can’t Brush Off Dust Storm HVAC

Several contractors in Arizona have offered advice to customers on how to handle their HVAC both before and after extreme weather like dust storms and monsoons.


Best Practices For Implementing UVGI Solutions Into HVAC Systems

Managers, company leaders, and school district administrators should explore all available options to heighten the safety and cleanliness of their respective spaces.


Project Files: Episode 42 — Amalie Arena IAQ Update

Pure Air Control Services recently completed an IAQ project that helped fans and hockey players at the Stanley Cup Playoffs breathe easy at Tampa Bay’s Amalie Arena.


Experts Expect Interest in IAQ to Continue after COVID

The coronavirus pandemic increased consumer awareness of IAQ to its highest level. The question now is, will this elevated interest in IAQ continue after the pandemic ends?


Indoor Air Quality Solutions for VRF Systems

The pandemic has caused IAQ to become a big concern, which has led industry experts to recommend increasing ventilation and upgrading filtration for commercial buildings.


Improving Indoor Air Quality: Protecting the Air We Breathe

IAQ has become a very important topic as the COVID-19 global pandemic has continued to evolve.


Duct Cleaning Gets HVAC Contractors Into the Home

Air duct cleaning is an important part of indoor air quality, and that is why Rotobrush attended the 2022 AHR Expo to connect with HVAC contractors.


RGF Global Campaign Encourages IAQ Awareness

Although RGF manufactures air, food, and water purification systems, the company’s primary focus for this year’s Expo is air, especially given the recent increase in IAQ awareness.


GE Exhibits New Air And Water Solutions Division

GE Appliances, a Haier company, Air and Water Solutions, exhibited for the first time as a new division at the 2022 AHR Expo.


Greenheck Marries UV-C Lights, HVLS Fans

Whether indoor air is clean or laden with pathogens isn’t usually something you can see with the naked eye. Except at Greenheck’s AHR Expo booth, where visitors were treated to the full VR experience.


Friedrich Tackles HVAC One Room at a Time

Friedrich Air Conditioning Co. is relying on its long history of room-by-room solutions to tackle the latest challenges in HVAC.


Tech Shortage? Indoor Air Quality Needs? Parker Has Answers

Parker Hannifin Corp. addressed two of today’s most pressing HVACR issues ― a labor shortage and pandemic-fueled concerns about indoor air quality (IAQ) ― during the recent AHR Expo.


Pandemic Created New Markets for UV-C

When the coronavirus pandemic struck, the interest in UV light skyrocketed. Some believe UV-C will become widely viewed as essential to HVACR systems, the way filters are now.


UVDI Awarded Agreement for UV-C IAQ Technology with Premier Inc.

UltraViolet Devices Inc. announced that it has been awarded a group purchasing agreement with Premier Inc. in the category of Indoor Air Quality products.


General Filters Presents Soaring Eagle Award to Mid-Atlantic Sales

General Filters' Soaring Eagle Award honors the sales agency that best represents the company in terms of sales revenue, sales growth, and new product sales.


Pandemic Drives Era of Residential IAQ Awareness

The global pandemic caused many people to reevaluate how they had been living their lives, and when it came to life at home, indoor air quality (IAQ) became a top priority.


Modine Offers Free IAQ Upgrades to Schools

Modine's offer to schools of Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization Technology was prompted by recent Canadian wildfires, which have created smoke that has blanketed significant portions of the U.S.


Is This What To Expect From Tesla Home HVAC?

As wildfires become more common, can future Tesla home HVAC system users expect the same sort of defense against poor air quality that its vehicles have?


UV-C an Optimal HVAC Option in Health Care Applications

The use of UV-C in HVAC systems has proven to be an effective way to minimize the threat of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), small particles, and other airborne pathogens commonly found in health care environments.


UV-C Technology Now the Standard in Today’s Health Care Facilities

In the last decade, UV-C installation has really become the standard in the healthcare sector, given its ability to be easily retrofitted, save money and energy, and inactivate those infection-causing microorganisms on HVAC surfaces and airstreams.


Infographic: A Look at Proper Humidity

IAQ-conscious homeowners might be interested to know how humidification can preserve not only their health but the health of their home, too.


Dehumidifiers Deliver Built-In Comfort for Multifamily Settings

Early on in CHP’s $9-million project, the team decided to make a pretty big change: an overhaul of the HVAC design.


Consumer Intelligence Regarding Air Quality Elevates Humidification

"Baking the cost of a humidifier or dehumidifier into a full system offering is the trend today,” said Tom Ruse.


Humidifier Sales See Boost as Consumers Seek Better Health, Comfort

Homeowners are seeking solutions to improve comfort and IAQ. One device that does both is the humidifier.


Dehumidification Plays a Crucial Role in Cannabis Crop Production

Grow rooms are a prominent example of the potential and the challenges of indoor agriculture.


Humidification Control Is Critical in Residential, Commercial Settings

Humidity control makes up an important facet of indoor air quality, a facet that includes reducing airborne viruses but extends far beyond it.


DriSteem Introduces Silver Ionization Filter

DriStreem announced the addition of a new Silver Ionization Filter to their catalog of products.


MARS Revisits Innovations, Finds New Ones

HVACR innovations present and past characterized the MARS booth at the recent AHR Expo in Las Vegas.


AprilAire Takes Aim at Radon

January is National Radon Action Month, and IAQ manufacturer AprilAire used its booth at the AHR Expo to showcase its new radon mitigation lineup.


Pandemic Created Consumer Awareness, Increased Demand for Indoor Air Quality Solutions

It has now been two years since the pandemic brought IAQ to the forefront of everyone’s minds. Manufacturers are stepping up with an array of products to clean and monitor the air people breathe.


Dehumidification a Big Part of Indoor Air Quality Equation

Homeowners are increasingly paying attention to improving their indoor air quality, and dehumidification is a big part of the IAQ equation.


The A-B-C-D of HVAC for Indoor Cannabis Growing Facilities

A big part of the growth cycle of the cannabis plant is deeply rooted in the ability of the plant to absorb and rid itself of water vapor, so we now add a D to HVAC for dehumidification.


NREL Discovers Humidity Is Why A/C Units Consume So Much Energy

Colorado researchers found that on average, more than half of the energy consumed by residential air conditioners deals with the humidity on a hot day.


Will Humidification Stay ‘Hot’?

Whether it be a single-family household, school, or even a grocery store, all of those spaces need clean, high-quality air — which humidification plays a role in.