
Credit Card Interest Rates Going Up? It Could Be Because Of Your Electric Bill.

August 10, 2005 – There are a lot of people carrying large credit card balances which they will be lucky to pay off in their lifetime. Some consumers are being hit with interest rates in excess of 30% even though they have never been late on their credit card payments. The reason for this is that many credit card companies now use a system called "universal default", which allows them to raise your interest rate for reasons other than being late in the payment of your credit card bill.


All US States Now Eligible for Free Credit Reports

September 1, 2005 – As of today, residents of every state are eligible to receive their credit reports free of charge from the credit repositories (Experian, Equifax and Trans Union). These free credit reports were mandated by Congress with the passage of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) in late 2003. Under the law, eligibility to receive free reports was phased in nationally, from west to east.


Retrouvez-nous jeudi 7 novembre à 20 h pour le NoScope #65 : Call of Duty 21: Black Ops 6 et Kvark

Jeudi soir, le 7 novembre à 20 h, la rédaction de NoFrag enregistrera l’épisode #65 de NoScope. Attention au changement d’horaire, on commence une heure plus tôt pour éviter à Loulou de débuter à minuit. Au programme, comme d’habitude, on commencera par un petit tour d’horizon des news de ces dernières semaines, avec notamment le […]


Techtonica, le Satisfactory des biomes sous-terrains, a quitté son accès anticipé

Sorti depuis plus d’un an en accès anticipé, Techtonica, développé par le studio Fire Hose Games, est un jeu coopératif où vos compagnons et vous-même devrez explorer les profondeurs de la planète Calyx à l’aide d’outils variés et de machines automatisées. Le but est de récolter piller et d’exploiter de manière équitable à une échelle industrielle […]


Le prologue de Project Borealis, le Half-Life 2: Episode 3 fan made sous Unreal 5, est disponible sur Steam

On vous en parlait en septembre dernier, Project Borealis: Prologue vient de sortir sur Steam. Il s’agit d’une courte démonstration des différentes mécaniques qui seront embarquées dans Project Borealis, un jeu développé par une armée de fans, prenant comme base les ébauches de script de Marc Laidlaw pour Half-Life 2: Episode 3. Pour faire patienter […]


Hello Neighbor 3 – le voisin le plus malsain du jeux vidéo est de retour

Dimanche dernier, le studio TinyBuild et le créateur – game designer Nikita Kolesnikov de la licence Hello Neighbor, ont dévoilé Hello Neighbor 3 via un billet de blog Steam. Pour en apprendre un peu plus, le dev a publié un devlog vidéo scénarisé et beaucoup trop long pour annoncer simplement le concept retenu pour cette […]


Adult industry and podcasting

When and how will the adult industry join the ride? Traditional audio blogging didn't suit them commercially. This time though they are going to explore the possibilities more successfully. Like? Well, imagine a podcast from your favorite Miss X: just enter your creditcard number, (nick)name and special 'subject' and she will podcast her private show automatically to your device. Plain (free)


Discussion: podcasting basics

Jim Kloss reacted extensively to some basic questions. Join the discussion ..


Customised Podcasting for businesses and organizations

Customised Podcasting is an excellent information tool for businesses and organizations. started a Customised Podcast Service as a companion to their existing (Competitive Intelligence) briefing documents. More here.


Podcasting for Business

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.
What is podcasting?

Podcasting is a relatively new communication medium. Podcasting's increasing popularity and low cost of entry makes it a great communication and promotional channel for companies to experiment with.

Podcasting for Business


Re-Using Content

Repurposing content is not a terribly new concept. Webmasters that picked up on the trend have benefited from traffic surges for a while now. Repurposing content is all about presenting the same content in a variety of different ways, or using different mediums to present the same content. Webmasters can manipulate content in order to provide the same content in any number of different formats.

Why would publishers want to do this? There are a number of benefits to repurposing content, not the least of which is that it allows customers to select the format they wish to access your information.

Re-Using Content


Podcasting Just Might Be the Tool to Revolutionize Education

Schools all over the country have flocked to podcasting as a new medium to assist the teaching profession. Professors are using podcasts to instruct students and get their messages out. Podcasting is not restricted to one educational sector, professors at prestigious colleges from Bentley to Purdue have flocked to this medium.

Podcasting Just Might Be the Tool to Revolutionize Education


What Can be Published Using RSS Feeds?

With all the vast amounts of information available on the web, it is becoming more and more difficult to sort through and find what you are looking for. RSS significantly lowers the signal-to-noise ratio. RSS has the unique ability to compile information and filter it, so you only see unique and relevant content. The information superhighway has become packed with content, and those familiar with technology are using RSS to filter the content, allowing them to drill down and access only the content they want, without having to wade through all the noise.

What Can be Published Using RSS Feeds?


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Production and Use of Sound Effects

Sound effects are artificially created or enhanced sounds that are used in artistic works to emphasize or express an action, mood, or feeling. Sound effects were initially used in radio dramas, but can be observed more often today in podcasts, theater, films, and television shows. They are often synchronized with certain actions, such as a door's slamming being accompanied by the appropriate noise. Sound effects may also be used in the background of a scene to create anticipation or other emotions.

Production and Use of Sound Effects


How and Where to Locate Podsafe Music

Nothing really polishes a podcast more than background music or theme music. In the music world, these music segments are referred to as intros and extros. While many enjoy streaming Internet Audio and recording songs they like over the Internet, these songs cannot legally be used in a podcast.

How and Where to Locate Podsafe Music


What is Fair Use?

As the Internet matures, users and governments are struggling to manage controversial issues. Lets face it, the Internet did not exist when the US copyright laws were written;let us not forget, while many countries respect copyright laws, the Internet is global without a governing body. There are not only different laws, rules and regulations, but also jurisdiction issues.

What is Fair Use?


RSS More Than Just News Headlines

The core use for RSS is generally considered news headlines and blog syndication, but innovative businesses are learning to use RSS in different ways. Consider RSS as a communication channel that can provide current, targeted information as it appears within a very targeted audience.

Monitoring Newsgroups/Usenet
Google Groups is a free online community and discussion group service that offers the Web's most comprehensive archive of Usenet postings. Google Groups can be monitored using RSS feeds. In order to monitor a specific newsgroup simply add "/feed/msgs.xml" to the end of the Google Group URL. Add the new URL to a newsgroup reader and receive updates each time a new post is added to the newsgroup.

RSS More than Just News Headlines


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Lawyers Use RSS Feeds

Lawyers have never been known as a technical bunch, but more and more often you see a lawyer with a palm pilot making appointments and a blackberry for those urgent messages. Electronic gadgets are now common in the courthouses across the US. Lawyers have increased productivity by utilizing technology so it should come as no surprise that lawyers are using RSS feeds as a means to grow and manage their practices.

Lawyers Use RSS Feeds


Podcasting For Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.
What is podcasting?

Podcasting is a relatively new communication medium. Podcasting's increasing popularity and low cost of entry makes it a great communication and promotional channel for companies to experiment with.

Podcasting For Businesses


Lawyers Use RSS Feeds

Lawyers have never been known as a technical bunch, but more and more often you see a lawyer with a palm pilot making appointments and a blackberry for those urgent messages. Electronic gadgets are now common in the courthouses across the US. Lawyers have increased productivity by utilizing technology so it should come as no surprise that lawyers are using RSS feeds as a means to grow and manage their practices.

Lawyers are using RSS feeds a number of different ways to increase efficiency and productivity. Common RSS feed usage in the legal field include:

Lawyers Use RSS Feeds


Re-Using Content

Repurposing content is not a terribly new concept. Webmasters that picked up on the trend have benefited from traffic surges for a while now. Repurposing content is all about presenting the same content in a variety of different ways, or using different mediums to present the same content. Webmasters can manipulate content in order to provide the same content in any number of different formats.

Why would publishers want to do this? There are a number of benefits to repurposing content, not the least of which is that it allows customers to select the format they wish to access your information. Additionally, repurposing content often does not require a lot of extra time, expense, or additional effort. The content itself already exists -- the format is just different. Additionally, there are a number of software tools available that can assist users in easily repurposing the content.

Re-Using Content


Podcasting For Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.

Podcasting For Businesses


Production and Use of Sound Effects

Sound effects are artificially created or enhanced sounds that are used in artistic works to emphasize or express an action, mood, or feeling. Sound effects were initially used in radio dramas, but can be observed more often today in podcasts, theater, films, and television shows. They are often synchronized with certain actions, such as a door's slamming being accompanied by the appropriate noise. Sound effects may also be used in the background of a scene to create anticipation or other emotions.

Production and Use of Sound Effects


How Podcasting is Used

Although podcasting is new, it is well on its way to becoming a mainstream communication medium. Podcasting, simply put, is audio files that are delivered via RSS. Many people believe that podcasting is solely for the distribution of music files, but really, nothing could be further from the truth. This emerging method of audio file distribution has opened an array of marketing and communication opportunities to businesses. Currently, most who are familiar with podcasting are technically savvy, but it is clear that podcasting will be more than a passing fad as many businesses are adopting podcasting and employing it in unusual yet powerful ways. Podcasting can be used for talk shows, tutorials, music demos, educational training, stories, comedy clips, debates or even foreign language tutorials.

While RSS has had the capacity to include audio files for a few years, only recently have entrepreneurs made the conceptual leap, taking advantage of the new power held within this communication medium. In reality, podcasters cover the gamut; some are professional broadcasters, while others are obvious amateurs.

How Podcasting is Used


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


Podcasting Just Might Be the Tool to Revolutionize Education

Schools all over the country have flocked to podcasting as a new medium to assist the teaching profession. Professors are using podcasts to instruct students and get their messages out. Podcasting is not restricted to one educational sector, professors at prestigious colleges from Bentley to Purdue have flocked to this medium.

A growing number of professors are recording their lectures, the term coursecasting has been adopted in academia. Podcast lectures are used as study tools, and are available for students who might have missed class. Some podcasts are password restricted to students who are enrolled in that specific class. While other institution's publicly post their podcasts and offer non-enrolled students insight into the class material.

Podcasting Just Might Be the Tool to Revolutionize Education


Lawyers Use RSS Feeds

Lawyers have never been known as a technical bunch, but more and more often you see a lawyer with a palm pilot making appointments and a blackberry for those urgent messages. Electronic gadgets are now common in the courthouses across the US. Lawyers have increased productivity by utilizing technology so it should come as no surprise that lawyers are using RSS feeds as a means to grow and manage their practices.

Lawyers Use RSS Feeds


How Podcasting is Used

Although podcasting is new, it is well on its way to becoming a mainstream communication medium. Podcasting, simply put, is audio files that are delivered via RSS. Many people believe that podcasting is solely for the distribution of music files, but really, nothing could be further from the truth. This emerging method of audio file distribution has opened an array of marketing and communication opportunities to businesses. Currently, most who are familiar with podcasting are technically savvy, but it is clear that podcasting will be more than a passing fad as many businesses are adopting podcasting and employing it in unusual yet powerful ways. Podcasting can be used for talk shows, tutorials, music demos, educational training, stories, comedy clips, debates or even foreign language tutorials.

While RSS has had the capacity to include audio files for a few years, only recently have entrepreneurs made the conceptual leap, taking advantage of the new power held within this communication medium. In reality, podcasters cover the gamut; some are professional broadcasters, while others are obvious amateurs.

How Podcasting is Used


100 Uses of RSS Feeds

Many equate RSS with blogs and little else. However, we have found that RSS is multi-faceted and has a scope far beyond blogs. Take a look at these 100 ways that RSS is being used in real world situations:

100 Uses of RSS Feeds


Podcasting for Business

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.

Podcasting For Businesses


RSS Is More Than Just News

The core use for RSS is generally considered news headlines and blog syndication, but innovative businesses are learning to use RSS in different ways. Consider RSS as a communication channel that can provide current, targeted information as it appears within a very targeted audience.

RSS Is More Than Just News


How and Where to Locate Podsafe Music

Nothing really polishes a podcast more than background music or theme music. In the music world, these music segments are referred to as intros and extros. While many enjoy streaming Internet Audio and recording songs they like over the Internet, these songs cannot legally be used in a podcast.

How and Where to Locate Podsafe Music


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Production and Use of Sound Effects

Sound effects are artificially created or enhanced sounds that are used in artistic works to emphasize or express an action, mood, or feeling. Sound effects were initially used in radio dramas, but can be observed more often today in podcasts, theater, films, and television shows. They are often synchronized with certain actions, such as a door's slamming being accompanied by the appropriate noise. Sound effects may also be used in the background of a scene to create anticipation or other emotions.

Production and Use of Sound Effects


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


Podcasting Just Might Be the Tool to Revolutionize Education

Schools all over the country have flocked to podcasting as a new medium to assist the teaching profession. Professors are using podcasts to instruct students and get their messages out. Podcasting is not restricted to one educational sector, professors at prestigious colleges from Bentley to Purdue have flocked to this medium.

A growing number of professors are recording their lectures, the term coursecasting has been adopted in academia. Podcast lectures are used as study tools, and are available for students who might have missed class. Some podcasts are password restricted to students who are enrolled in that specific class.

Podcasting Just Might Be the Tool to Revolutionize Education


Why Use RSS?

RSS streamlines communication between publishers and readers. Since RSS has had a popularity surge, webmasters have been experimenting and using RSS feeds to deliver content in new and innovative ways. Typically, RSS feeds contain news headlines and content summaries. The content summaries contain just enough information without overwhelming the reader with superfluous details. If the reader is interested and wants additional information they can click on the item in the feed, accessing the website which contains additional details. RSS readers aggregate multiple feeds, making it easy for individuals to quickly scan information contained within each feed. Feeds are generally themed, allowing users to opt-in to feeds that are of interest.

Why Use RSS?


How and Where to Locate Podsafe Music

Nothing really polishes a podcast more than background music or theme music. In the music world, these music segments are referred to as intros and extros. While many enjoy streaming Internet Audio and recording songs they like over the Internet, these songs cannot legally be used in a podcast.

PodSafe Music
Podsafe music refers to music specifically for podcasters. The music is licensed in such a way that podcasters can purchase a license to include the music in a podcast without incurring additional fees or expenses.

How and Where to Locate Podsafe Music


Financial Companies Use RSS Feeds

Financial institutions are reaching out to clients using RSS feeds. While banks and financial institutions are usually slow to adopt new technology, that is not the case with RSS adoption. More and more professionals are using RSS in innovative ways, to stay ahead of their competition.

1. Bank Rate Changes
Bankers are using RSS to communicate bank rate changes. Feeds are updated regularly to reflect changes to adjustable rate mortgages or the interest rate for CDs.

Financial Companies Use RSS Feeds


Podcasting For Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.
What is podcasting?

Podcasting is a relatively new communication medium. Podcasting's increasing popularity and low cost of entry makes it a great communication and promotional channel for companies to experiment with.

Podcasting For Businesses


Limes Consultancy Uses RSS Feeds

The Limes Consultancy uses Feed ForAll to create its XML feed. TLC has been producing a monthly newsletter for just under 1,000 subscribers for several years now , but with the advent of increasingly sophisticated anti-virus and spamware there has been a growing trend of filters rejecting the newsletters, so they needed to find a way of providing the newsletters in a different format.

Limes Consultancy Uses RSS Feeds


RSS Feeds for Religious Organizations

FeedForAll helps Religious Organizations communicate with the general public about services. Churches can podcast sermons to reach a further audience, by spreading the word over the Internet.

RSS Feeds for Religious Organizations


RSS More Than Just News Headlines

The core use for RSS is generally considered news headlines and blog syndication, but innovative businesses are learning to use RSS in different ways. Consider RSS as a communication channel that can provide current, targeted information as it appears within a very targeted audience.

RSS More Than Just News Headlines


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

1. Audio Books

Books that are read aloud are no longer embraced only by the visually impaired. For example, commuters who want to make the most of their travel time have long embraced books-on-tape. The podcast medium is far more compact and portable, so audio books and similar content are now being made available as podcasts.

Creative Podcasting for Businesses