
Bringing the Kingdom Into Your Midst

Jesus told His disciples that they could not cast out the demon in the epileptic boy "except by prayer and fasting." Fr Thomas reminds us that if we want to live in the midst of the Kingdom of God, we also must strengthen our faith through these essential disciplines.


Your Purpose and God's Power

When we hear about the miracles that Christ performed for people, it can seem distant. Fr Thomas reminds us that the grace they received is the same life-giving power that we are granted in the Eucharist: the fullness of Christ.


How Can We Find Strength In Our Weakness?

How can we find the power of God and strength amidst feelings of weakness and persecution? Fr. Thomas urges us to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, the apostles, and saints as we find ourselves in a world opposed to the Christian life.


Our Choice & The Angels' Help

On the Sunday of the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers, Fr. Tom reminds us of the constant, unseen warfare that surrounds us. How are to understand the role of the Angels in our lives? Do we remember that they are our constant helpers? While this is true, we're not to forget that nothing will override our personal free-will and that we must choose always to be a disciple of Christ first and foremost if we are to benefit from the Angels' help.


What's Your Excuse?

Fr. Tom calls us to consider the invitation of the Gospel: union with one another and union with God Himself. Invariably, we all make excuses to God's invitation - what's yours?


Our Missionary Imperative

As we remember the saints of North America, we remember that what made them special wasn't ethnicity or cultural preservation . . . it was their desire to preach the Gospel!


His Divinity Made Manifest In Our Trials

Tying together the Gospel readings from this week and the week prior, Fr. Tom lays out the reality that the One who prays, the One who walks on water, the One who gives us Himself in the Eucharist is always present . . . especially in our trials.


The Beauty of Our Judgement

The Gospel reading of the Last Judgement can bring incredible fear and awe; however, as Fr. Tom reminds us, it should also be a great source of consolation!


Where Our Treasure Is

Comparing how we invest in bodily health over spiritual health, Fr. Tom exhorts us to remember that it's possible to enter Hell while physically healthy and possible to enter Heaven broken. It is only in Heaven that we will find eternal healing.


Love Your Enemies

Fr. Gregory speaks on Luke 6:31-36.


Christ Our Peace

Christ gives peace but more importantly He IS our Peace.


Hope in Our Lady

Fr. Dn. Christopher speaks about the Dormition of the Theotokos.


Increase Our Faith

What does it mean to have faith and how can we increase it?


Facing Our Needs

Jesus Christ reaches out to each of us in 2012, just as He did 2,000 years ago. However, he does not always give us immediately what we ask for as soon as we ask for His help in our lives.


Growing Our Faith

How can I increase my faith? There is no way I can encourage you to increase your faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ unless I first increase my faith in Him.


Taking Our Stand

Fr. Christopher is the homilist today and he says that historically Christianity has not picked fights but we do know when to draw the line.


Don't Bury Your Gift

Fr. Gregory suggests that perhaps it is time to take stock of our own service, to consider what talents God has given us, and to take care that we use them fully.


Subduing Our Fears

It is the recognition of Jesus in the midst of the storm that calms the fears of the disciples. With Jesus around there is no need to fear.


The Cross is Our Boast

For St. Paul and for the whole Church the cross of Christ was the only boast of those who called themselves Christians, not the works of the Law which could not and cannot save.


Increase Our Faith

Fr. Deacon Emmanuel speaks to the adults and Fr. Gregory to the children about faith.


Taking Up Our Crosses

There is a phrase one hears; “It is a cross I have to bear”; which usually means something that causes pain or grief or some sort of problem. Fr. Christopher says that is not quite what Christ meant in today's Gospel.


Honouring the Image, Restoring the Likeness

Fr. Gregory gives extracts from St Gregory of Nyssa's orations on the feast of the Nativity of Christ. He intersperses these reflections from contemporary life as the context in which both the promises and the challenges of the gospel are to be worked out by each one of us.


Renewing Our Baptism

Theophany is a good time to recall our baptism and to ask ourselves whether or not we are living to the full the life of a baptised Christian. Are we repenting of our sins; are we being filled with the Holy Spirit?


How Can We Find the Kingdom of Heaven in Our Lives?

When we repent, when we seek to change our lives and our relationship to Christ, what is “at hand”? What is near? What is about to happen? The kingdom of heaven!


The Journey and the Voice

The dialogue between St. Philip and his friend St. Nathanael in the Gospel concerning Jesus is instructive. Both of them are making good progress spiritually but both still have misunderstandings or difficulties with question of Jesus’s identity.


Plant the Cross in Your Heart

In the human heart we must carve out a Cross-shaped impression so that the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ may be planted there; for only if it is planted there will it grow and bear fruit.


How Can We Discover the Divine Image in Ourselves?

Fr. Emmanuel Kahn says St. Paul sets before us a model—that we should be as “beloved children”—that is children who are deeply loved by their parents and others, because God first loves us before we learn to love Him.


The Holy Trinity: A Life for Our Lives

Let us make the sign of the cross, and invite the Presence of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit into our lives—into our hopes and our fears. God already knows those hopes and fears, but sometimes He waits for us to share our lives with Him privately, to be honest with Him, so that He can then be honest with us, through revealing some of the fullness of Himself to each of us.


Take Up Your Cross

Fr. Emmanuel preaches about the meaning of "taking up the cross."


Fear Not Your Resurrection

Fr. Dn. Emmanuel Kahn gives the sermon on Great and Holy Saturday.


Our Life In Christ

This Sunday we remember the 630 Holy Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council held in Chalcedon, a suburb of Constantinople, in the middle of the fifth century in 451. The preacher today is Fr. Dn. Emmanuel Kahn.


Lord, Order Our Lives

Fr. Dn. Emmanuel says often God’s purpose is not immediately clear to us in our own lives or in the lives of others. We are aware that God is there—that God is present in our lives and in the world, but what exactly is God’s purpose for us and for the world? How can we order our lives?


When We Open Our Christmas Presents

Dn. Emmanuel tells us whether you are at school or at home, working or unemployed, whether you have responsibilities at home or outside home, whatever your age, there is a special Christmas present waiting for each of us, wrapped up, ready to open, but each present can only be opened by the person to whom that present has been addressed.


Is Christ Our Peace?

Fr. Emmanuel Kahn says "the work is not ours" therefore, anxiety is removed.


Listening to Our Ancestors

This Sunday, December 13, is the Sunday of the Forefathers. This is the day on which in all Orthodox churches throughout the world that we honour those men and women in the Old Testament who prepared the way for Christ and for us, because of their search for God. The preacher is Fr. Emmanuel Kahn.


We Are Not Called to Set Ourselves Free

We are not called to set ourselves free, but we do need to want to be healed. We do need to praise God for coming into our lives—for joining us to Him and to each other in the Church.


Living in the Court of Conscience

Fr. Emmanuel Kahn gives the sermon for Great and Holy Thursday.


Warm Courageous Love

Fr. Gregory Hallam sermon on July 8, 2018.


Fasting for a Safe Journey

When we fast we are confronted with an important decision: Am I living primarily for self or for service to God and service to others?


Uniting Ourselves to Christ

Fr. Gregory Hallam gives the sermon for Sunday, November 18, 2018.


Cherishing the Body, Honouring the Soul

Fr. Gregory Hallam gives the sermon for Sunday, May 12, 2019.


Get out for your own good


God helps us in our Infirmities


Get out for your own good


Lighten our Darkness


Knowing Yourself


What You Treasure Reveals Where Your Heart Is


He's Not On Our Team!


Where Is Your Brother?


What God Is As Great As Our God?