
Quantitative selection of sample structures in small-angle scattering using Bayesian methods

Small-angle scattering (SAS) is a key experimental technique for analyzing nanoscale structures in various materials. In SAS data analysis, selecting an appropriate mathematical model for the scattering intensity is critical, as it generates a hypothesis of the structure of the experimental sample. Traditional model selection methods either rely on qualitative approaches or are prone to overfitting. This paper introduces an analytical method that applies Bayesian model selection to SAS measurement data, enabling a quantitative evaluation of the validity of mathematical models. The performance of the method is assessed through numerical experiments using artificial data for multicomponent spherical materials, demonstrating that this proposed analysis approach yields highly accurate and interpretable results. The ability of the method to analyze a range of mixing ratios and particle size ratios for mixed components is also discussed, along with its precision in model evaluation by the degree of fitting. The proposed method effectively facilitates quantitative analysis of nanoscale sample structures in SAS, which has traditionally been challenging, and is expected to contribute significantly to advancements in a wide range of fields.


A simple protocol for determining the zone axis direction from selected-area electron diffraction spot patterns of cubic materials

Using the well known Rn ratio method, a protocol has been elaborated for determining the lattice direction for the 15 most common cubic zone axis spot patterns. The method makes use of the lengths of the three shortest reciprocal-lattice vectors in each pattern and the angles between them. No prior pattern calibration is required for the method to work, as the Rn ratio method is based entirely on geometric relationships. In the first step the pattern is assigned to one of three possible pattern types according to the angles that are measured between the three reciprocal-lattice vectors. The lattice direction [uvw] and possible Bravais type(s) and Laue indices of the corresponding reflections can then be determined by using lookup tables. In addition to determining the lattice direction, this simple geometric analysis allows one to distinguish between the P, I and F Bravais lattices for spot patterns aligned along [013], [112], [114] and [233]. Moreover, the F lattice can always be uniquely identified from the [011] and [123] patterns.


Operando pair distribution function analysis of nanocrystalline functional materials: the case of TiO2-bronze nanocrystals in Li-ion battery electrodes

Structural modelling of operando pair distribution function (PDF) data of complex functional materials can be highly challenging. To aid the understanding of complex operando PDF data, this article demonstrates a toolbox for PDF analysis. The tools include denoising using principal component analysis together with the structureMining, similarityMapping and nmfMapping apps available through the online service `PDF in the cloud' (PDFitc, https://pdfitc.org/). The toolbox is used for both ex situ and operando PDF data for 3 nm TiO2-bronze nanocrystals, which function as the active electrode material in a Li-ion battery. The tools enable structural modelling of the ex situ and operando PDF data, revealing two pristine TiO2 phases (bronze and anatase) and two lithiated LixTiO2 phases (lithiated versions of bronze and anatase), and the phase evolution during galvanostatic cycling is characterized.


Ptychographic phase retrieval via a deep-learning-assisted iterative algorithm

Ptychography is a powerful computational imaging technique with microscopic imaging capability and adaptability to various specimens. To obtain an imaging result, it requires a phase-retrieval algorithm whose performance directly determines the imaging quality. Recently, deep neural network (DNN)-based phase retrieval has been proposed to improve the imaging quality from the ordinary model-based iterative algorithms. However, the DNN-based methods have some limitations because of the sensitivity to changes in experimental conditions and the difficulty of collecting enough measured specimen images for training the DNN. To overcome these limitations, a ptychographic phase-retrieval algorithm that combines model-based and DNN-based approaches is proposed. This method exploits a DNN-based denoiser to assist an iterative algorithm like ePIE in finding better reconstruction images. This combination of DNN and iterative algorithms allows the measurement model to be explicitly incorporated into the DNN-based approach, improving its robustness to changes in experimental conditions. Furthermore, to circumvent the difficulty of collecting the training data, it is proposed that the DNN-based denoiser be trained without using actual measured specimen images but using a formula-driven supervised approach that systemically generates synthetic images. In experiments using simulation based on a hard X-ray ptychographic measurement system, the imaging capability of the proposed method was evaluated by comparing it with ePIE and rPIE. These results demonstrated that the proposed method was able to reconstruct higher-spatial-resolution images with half the number of iterations required by ePIE and rPIE, even for data with low illumination intensity. Also, the proposed method was shown to be robust to its hyperparameters. In addition, the proposed method was applied to ptychographic datasets of a Simens star chart and ink toner particles measured at SPring-8 BL24XU, which confirmed that it can successfully reconstruct images from measurement scans with a lower overlap ratio of the illumination regions than is required by ePIE and rPIE.


Pushing the limits of accessible length scales via a modified Porod analysis in small-angle neutron scattering on ordered systems

Small-angle neutron scattering is a widely used technique to study large-scale structures in bulk samples. The largest accessible length scale in conventional Bragg scattering is determined by the combination of the longest available neutron wavelength and smallest resolvable scattering angle. A method is presented that circumvents this limitation and is able to extract larger length scales from the low-q power-law scattering using a modification of the well known Porod law connecting the scattered intensity of randomly distributed objects to their specific surface area. It is shown that in the special case of a highly aligned domain structure the specific surface area extracted from the modified Porod law can be used to determine specific length scales of the domain structure. The analysis method is applied to study the micrometre-sized domain structure found in the intermediate mixed state of the superconductor niobium. The analysis approach allows the range of accessible length scales to be extended from 1 µm to up to 40 µm using a conventional small-angle neutron scattering setup.


In situ counter-diffusion crystallization and long-term crystal preservation in microfluidic fixed targets for serial crystallography

Compared with batch and vapor diffusion methods, counter diffusion can generate larger and higher-quality protein crystals yielding improved diffraction data and higher-resolution structures. Typically, counter-diffusion experiments are conducted in elongated chambers, such as glass capillaries, and the crystals are either directly measured in the capillary or extracted and mounted at the X-ray beamline. Despite the advantages of counter-diffusion protein crystallization, there are few fixed-target devices that utilize counter diffusion for crystallization. In this article, different designs of user-friendly counter-diffusion chambers are presented which can be used to grow large protein crystals in a 2D polymer microfluidic fixed-target chip. Methods for rapid chip fabrication using commercially available thin-film materials such as Mylar, propyl­ene and Kapton are also detailed. Rules of thumb are provided to tune the nucleation and crystal growth to meet users' needs while minimizing sample consumption. These designs provide a reliable approach to forming large crystals and maintaining their hydration for weeks and even months. This allows ample time to grow, select and preserve the best crystal batches before X-ray beam time. Importantly, the fixed-target microfluidic chip has a low background scatter and can be directly used at beamlines without any crystal handling, enabling crystal quality to be preserved. The approach is demonstrated with serial diffraction of photoactive yellow protein, yielding 1.32 Å resolution at room temperature. Fabrication of this standard microfluidic chip with commercially available thin films greatly simplifies fabrication and provides enhanced stability under vacuum. These advances will further broaden microfluidic fixed-target utilization by crystallographers.


Use of a confocal optical device for centring a diamond anvil cell in single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiments

High-pressure crystallographic data can be measured using a diamond anvil cell (DAC), which allows the sample to be viewed only along a cell vector which runs perpendicular to the diamond anvils. Although centring a sample perpendicular to this direction is straightforward, methods for centring along this direction often rely on sample focusing, measurements of the direct beam or short data collections followed by refinement of the crystal offsets. These methods may be inaccurate, difficult to apply or slow. Described here is a method based on precise measurement of the offset in this direction using a confocal optical device, whereby the cell centre is located at the mid-point of two measurements of the distance between a light source and the external faces of the diamond anvils viewed along the forward and reverse directions of the cell vector. It is shown that the method enables a DAC to be centred to within a few micrometres reproducibly and quickly.


The AUREX cell: a versatile operando electrochemical cell for studying catalytic materials using X-ray diffraction, total scattering and X-ray absorption spectroscopy under working conditions

Understanding the structure–property relationship in electrocatalysts under working conditions is crucial for the rational design of novel and improved catalytic materials. This paper presents the Aarhus University reactor for electrochemical studies using X-rays (AUREX) operando electrocatalytic flow cell, designed as an easy-to-use versatile setup with a minimal background contribution and a uniform flow field to limit concentration polarization and handle gas formation. The cell has been employed to measure operando total scattering, diffraction and absorption spectroscopy as well as simultaneous combinations thereof on a commercial silver electrocatalyst for proof of concept. This combination of operando techniques allows for monitoring of the short-, medium- and long-range structure under working conditions, including an applied potential, liquid electrolyte and local reaction environment. The structural transformations of the Ag electrocatalyst are monitored with non-negative matrix factorization, linear combination analysis, the Pearson correlation coefficient matrix, and refinements in both real and reciprocal space. Upon application of an oxidative potential in an Ar-saturated aqueous 0.1 M KHCO3/K2CO3 electrolyte, the face-centered cubic (f.c.c.) Ag gradually transforms first to a trigonal Ag2CO3 phase, followed by the formation of a monoclinic Ag2CO3 phase. A reducing potential immediately reverts the structure to the Ag (f.c.c.) phase. Following the electrochemical-reaction-induced phase transitions is of fundamental interest and necessary for understanding and improving the stability of electrocatalysts, and the operando cell proves a versatile setup for probing this. In addition, it is demonstrated that, when studying electrochemical reactions, a high energy or short exposure time is needed to circumvent beam-induced effects.


A miniature X-ray diffraction setup on ID20 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

We describe an ultra-compact setup for in situ X-ray diffraction on the inelastic X-ray scattering beamline ID20 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The main motivation for the design and construction of this setup is the increasing demand for on-the-fly sample characterization, as well as ease of navigation through a sample's phase diagram, for example subjected to high-pressure and/or high-temperature conditions. We provide technical details and demonstrate the performance of the setup.


VMXm – A sub-micron focus macromolecular crystallography beamline at Diamond Light Source

VMXm joins the suite of operational macromolecular crystallography beamlines at Diamond Light Source. It has been designed to optimize rotation data collections from protein crystals less than 10 µm and down to below 1 µm in size. The beamline has a fully focused beam of 0.3 × 2.3 µm (vertical × horizontal) with a tuneable energy range (6–28 keV) and high flux (1.6 × 1012 photons s−1 at 12.5 keV). The crystals are housed within a vacuum chamber to minimize background scatter from air. Crystals are plunge-cooled on cryo-electron microscopy grids, allowing much of the liquid surrounding the crystals to be removed. These factors improve the signal-to-noise during data collection and the lifetime of the microcrystals can be prolonged by exploiting photoelectron escape. A novel in vacuo sample environment has been designed which also houses a scanning electron microscope to aid with sample visualization. This combination of features at VMXm allows measurements at the physical limits of X-ray crystallography on biomacromolecules to be explored and exploited.


Upgraded front ends for SLS 2.0 with next-generation high-power diaphragms and slits

The upgrade of the Swiss Light Source, called SLS 2.0, necessitates comprehensive updates to all 18 user front ends. This upgrade is driven by the increased power of the synchrotron beam, reduced floor space, changing source points, new safety regulations and enhanced beam properties, including a brightness increase by up to a factor of 40. While some existing front-end components are being thoroughly refurbished and upgraded for safety reasons, other components, especially those designed to tailor the new synchrotron beam, are being completely rebuilt. These new designs feature innovative and enhanced cooling systems to manage the high-power load and meet new requirements such as mechanical stability and compact footprints.


In situ/operando method for energy stability measurement of synchrotron radiation

A novel in situ/operando method is introduced to measure the photon beam stability of synchrotron radiation based on orthogonal diffraction imaging of a Laue crystal/analyzer, which can decouple the energy/wavelength and Bragg angle of the photon beam using the dispersion effect in the diffraction process. The method was used to measure the energy jitter and drift of the photon beam on BL09B and BL16U at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The experimental results show that this method can provide a fast way to measure the beam stability of different light sources including bending magnet and undulator with meV-level energy resolution and ms-level time response.


X-ray ghost imaging with a specially developed beam splitter

X-ray ghost imaging with a crystal beam splitter has advantages in highly efficient imaging due to the simultaneous acquisition of signals from both the object beam and reference beam. However, beam splitting with a large field of view, uniform distribution and high correlation has been a great challenge up to now. Therefore, a dedicated beam splitter has been developed by optimizing the optical layout of a synchrotron radiation beamline and the fabrication process of a Laue crystal. A large field of view, consistent size, uniform intensity distribution and high correlation were obtained simultaneously for the two split beams. Modulated by a piece of copper foam upstream of the splitter, a correlation of 92% between the speckle fields of the object and reference beam and a Glauber function of 1.25 were achieved. Taking advantage of synthetic aperture X-ray ghost imaging (SAXGI), a circuit board of size 880 × 330 pixels was successfully imaged with high fidelity. In addition, even though 16 measurements corresponding to a sampling rate of 1% in SAXGI were used for image reconstruction, the skeleton structure of the circuit board can still be determined. In conclusion, the specially developed beam splitter is applicable for the efficient implementation of X-ray ghost imaging.


A general Bayesian algorithm for the autonomous alignment of beamlines

Autonomous methods to align beamlines can decrease the amount of time spent on diagnostics, and also uncover better global optima leading to better beam quality. The alignment of these beamlines is a high-dimensional expensive-to-sample optimization problem involving the simultaneous treatment of many optical elements with correlated and nonlinear dynamics. Bayesian optimization is a strategy of efficient global optimization that has proved successful in similar regimes in a wide variety of beamline alignment applications, though it has typically been implemented for particular beamlines and optimization tasks. In this paper, we present a basic formulation of Bayesian inference and Gaussian process models as they relate to multi-objective Bayesian optimization, as well as the practical challenges presented by beamline alignment. We show that the same general implementation of Bayesian optimization with special consideration for beamline alignment can quickly learn the dynamics of particular beamlines in an online fashion through hyperparameter fitting with no prior information. We present the implementation of a concise software framework for beamline alignment and test it on four different optimization problems for experiments on X-ray beamlines at the National Synchrotron Light Source II and the Advanced Light Source, and an electron beam at the Accelerator Test Facility, along with benchmarking on a simulated digital twin. We discuss new applications of the framework, and the potential for a unified approach to beamline alignment at synchrotron facilities.


Synchrotron CT dosimetry for wiggler operation at reduced magnetic field and spatial modulation with bow tie filters

The Australian Synchrotron Imaging and Medical Beamline (IMBL) uses a superconducting multipole wiggler (SCMPW) source, dual crystal Laue monochromator and 135 m propagation distance to enable imaging and computed tomography (CT) studies of large samples with mono-energetic radiation. This study aimed to quantify two methods for CT dose reduction: wiggler source operation at reduced magnetic field strength, and beam modulation with spatial filters placed upstream from the sample. Transmission measurements with copper were used to indirectly quantify the influence of third harmonic radiation. Operation at lower wiggler magnetic field strength reduces dose rates by an order of magnitude, and suppresses the influence of harmonic radiation, which is of significance near 30 keV. Beam shaping filters modulate the incident beam profile for near constant transmitted signal, and offer protection to radio-sensitive surface organs: the eye lens, thyroid and female breast. Their effect is to reduce the peripheral dose and the dose to the scanned volume by about 10% for biological samples of 35–50 mm diameter and by 20–30% for samples of up to 160 mm diameter. CT dosimetry results are presented as in-air measurements that are specific to the IMBL, and as ratios to in-air measurements that may be applied to other beamlines. As CT dose calculators for small animals are yet to be developed, results presented here and in a previous study may be used to estimate absorbed dose to organs near the surface and the isocentre.


Green upgrading of SPring-8 to produce stable, ultrabrilliant hard X-ray beams

SPring-8-II is a major upgrade project of SPring-8 that was inaugurated in October 1997 as a third-generation synchrotron radiation light source. This upgrade project aims to achieve three goals simultaneously: achievement of excellent light source performance, refurbishment of aged systems, and significant reduction in power consumption for the entire facility. A small emittance of 50 pm rad will be achieved by (1) replacing the existing double-bend lattice structure with a five-bend achromat one, (2) lowering the stored beam energy from 8 to 6 GeV, (3) increasing the horizontal damping partition number from 1 to 1.3, and (4) enhancing horizontal radiation damping by installing damping wigglers in long straight sections. The use of short-period in-vacuum undulators allows ultrabrilliant X-rays to be provided while keeping a high-energy spectral range even at the reduced electron-beam energy of 6 GeV. To reduce power consumption, the dedicated, aged injector system has been shut down and the high-performance linear accelerator of SACLA, a compact X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) facility, is used as the injector of the ring in a time-shared manner. This allows the simultaneous operation of XFEL experiments at SACLA and full/top-up injection of the electron beam into the ring. This paper overviews the concept of the SPring-8-II project, the system design of the light source and the details of the accelerator component design.


Foreword to the special virtual issue on X-ray spectroscopy to understand functional materials: instrumentation, applications, data analysis


Foreword to the special virtual issue dedicated to the proceedings of the PhotonMEADOW2023 Joint Workshop


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Aerial Intelligence Solutions Co. Raises CA$2.8M

Source: Rob Goff 11/11/2024

Proceeds from this and a recent financing will allow for expansion of various lines of business, noted a Ventum Capital Markets report.

Volatus Aerospace Inc. (TSXV:FLT; OTCQX:TAKOF:ABBA.F) secured CA$2.8 million (CA$2.8M) through a private placement after having recently completed a financing package for CA$15M, reported Ventum Capital Markets analyst Rob Goff in a Nov. 6 research note. Volatus provides aerial intelligence solutions using drones and other aircraft systems, including inspections, surveillance, design, and sales.

"We believe the two financing rounds should be positively rewarded by investors for the financial flexibility they bring to Volatus, while the commitment of the two debt partners represents a strong validation," Goff wrote.

192% Return Implied

Goff reiterated Ventum's target price on the Canadian aircraft solutions provider of CA$0.38 per share. In comparison, it was trading at the time of the report at CA$0.13 per share. From this price, the return to target is 192%.

Volatus is a Buy.

Plans for Using the Funds

Goff discussed the private placement and Volatus' intended uses of it. For the offering, a total of 19,766,000 units was sold at CA$0.14 apiece. Each unit consists of one common Volatus voting share and one common Volatus voting share purchase warrant. With each warrant, the holder may purchase one Volatus common share for CA$0.20 per warrant share during the 24 months after the close of the raise.

"We believe the equity and debt financing will allow Volatus to invest in working capital to support higher equipment sales," an advantage its smaller peers do not have, Goff wrote.

The company expects to fund about CA$9–12M in unmet equipment sales demand, so Goff forecasts it will designate CA$3–4M to this purpose, to purchase working capital. Other uses of the proceeds are for research and development, capital expenditures and inventory.

Goff reported that Volatus wants to leverage every incremental CA$1M of invested working capital into about CA$3–4M of incremental equipment sales annually, aiming for gross profit margins of about 25% and modest incremental operating costs.

Volatus plans to use proceeds from the debt raise to back pay the outstanding CA$6M senior loan it has with a major Canadian bank. The company also intends to open a new secured line of credit to support anticipated growth. Current debt related to its fleet financing is about CA$5M.

Opportunities for Growth

With more balance sheet flexibility, Goff wrote, Volatus may pursue longer-term contracts with utilities and pipelines for inspection services using unmanned and manned fleets. This would position the company to become a leader in this specific market.

Volatus can monetize its portfolio of drones and landing stations. The U.S.' initiatives and intention to reduce use of Chinese-manufactured products could help drive this expansion. The company has third-party manufacturing capabilities to significantly boost its equipment sales.

"We anticipate that Volatus will leverage its unique software, network, and equipment capabilities, stewarded by an experienced and commercially focused leadership team," Goff wrote.

Future Financial Expectations

Goff discussed forecasts for merger synergies, EBITDA, and revenue. As for initial efficiencies achieved from Volatus' merger with Drone Delivery Canada, they should be seen in Volatus' Q4/24 and Q1/25 financial results, Goff wrote. Already, the company has exceeded CA$2.6M in cost synergies and expects to surpass CA$3M in the near term. By 2026, the company estimates revenue synergies will be about CA$5M-plus and will include initial traction gained from business-to-business cargo delivery.

Looking to 2025, Ventum expects Volatus to turn EBITDA break even in Q2/25 and produce CA$5.7M in positive EBITDA in 2025 versus Volatus' estimate of CA$10M-plus, Goff reported. Ventum estimates that Volatus will generate CA$60.3M in revenue in full-year 2025, less than Volatus' guidance of CA$70M+.

"We anticipate that Volatus will leverage its unique software, network, and equipment capabilities, stewarded by an experienced and commercially focused leadership team," wrote Goff.

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Disclosures for Ventum Capital Markets, Volatus Aerospace Inc., November 6, 2024

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( Companies Mentioned: TSXV:FLT;OTCQX:TAKOF:ABBA.F), )


Keyshia Cole arrested on suspicion of battery

Keyshia Cole performs during the 4th annual BET Honors at the Warner Theatre on Jan. 15, 2011 in Washington, DC.; Credit: Kris Connor/Getty Images

Police say Grammy-nominated R&B singer Keyshia Cole has been arrested on suspicion of battery after an altercation early Friday morning in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles police officer Nuria Vanegas says Cole was arrested around 5 a.m. after someone initiated a private person's arrest. The 32-year-old was booked on suspicion of battery and released from custody Friday afternoon.

Police did not release any further details about the incident.

An email message sent to Cole's publicist was not immediately returned.

Cole's second album, 2007's "Just Like You," produced the songs "Let It Go," ''I Remember" and "Heaven Sent."


Why Liam Neeson was 'very reluctant' to star in 'A Walk Among the Tombstones'

Liam Neeson stars as Matthew Scudder in "A Walk Among the Tombstones." ; Credit: Universal Pictures

Screenwriter and director Scott Frank has been trying to make “A Walk Among the Tombstones” for more than a decade, but it wasn't until Liam Neeson signed on that his efforts finally came into view.

Based on the Lawrence Block novel, “Tombstones” stars Liam Neeson as Matthew Scudder, an ex-cop working as an unlicensed private investigator. He agrees to help a well-to-do drug trafficker hunt down the kidnappers who have brutally murdered his wife.


Frank wrote the screenplay and, after the departures of other attached directors, Frank decided to step behind the cameras himself. 

When he came by The Frame studio, Frank spoke with host John Horn about Neeson's great strengths as an action hero and how he convinced Neeson to sign on to the project.

Interview Highlights:


John Horn: Liam Neeson has evolved in a fascinating way as an action hero. When did you start having conversations with him about this movie, and what was it about him as an actor that made it feel like the right fit?

"Well, what's interesting is that Larry Block, the novelist, had always said, going way back to 2003 or something, that the perfect actor for this, after [he saw] 'Michael Collins'...would be Liam Neeson. Chris Andrews, who is Liam's agent, always loved the script and was always trying to find a way to put it together, and he's the one who gave it to Liam back when D.J. [Caruso] was going to direct. So the first time I met Liam to talk about the movie, I was talking to him as the writer, not as the director of the movie. And then when D.J. fell out to go do a different movie at Sony...we had a conversation about directing the movie.

JH: Was this before or after the first "Taken" had come out?

This was well after the first 'Taken,' this was right before the second 'Taken.'

JH: So Liam is...succeeding as a version of that character, and I wonder if that success cuts both ways, that maybe there's a reluctance on his part to not do something that's quite as similar? Or is that part of your conversation that you have with him? 

It absolutely cuts both ways, and that was a huge part of the conversation because there's a kidnapping in this story, and there he is on the telephone for a few minutes at the end of the movie talking to kidnappers, and there are similarities [to 'Taken']. And he knew that was the way to sell the movie, and so he was very reluctant. And I talked to him and I had him watch 'Klute,' and I said, "That's the movie we're gonna make. We're not going to make 'Taken,' we're going to make a movie that's like 'Klute,' or a little bit like 'Dirty Harry,' or one of those old-school '70s films. It's going to feel more like that than an action movie."



JH: Liam Neeson's not physically imposing, but there's something about him that really kind of makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. What is it about him as an actor in this kind of part?

Well, there's a couple things. One: you believe him. No matter what he's talking about, it seems authentic and true...he has this thing about him that, whatever he's doing, you believe him. Two: he's one of those actors like Gene Hackman where he can convey exposition and make it feel like character. He can talk pages of exposition and make it all feel like it's character and drama — it's a great thing. The other thing about him is that he has this real gravitas, and it almost borders on sadness sometimes; it's interesting when you watch him and you feel like there's all this other life going on behind him.

JH: That he has nothing to lose, in other words.

Nothing to lose, and he says that at one point in the film, but I think it's those things that are all at work at the same time.


Co. Anticipates Lithium Rally, Looks at Acquiring New Canadian Assets

Source: Streetwise Reports 10/18/2024

American Salars Lithium Inc. (USLI:CSE; USLIF:OTC; Z3P:FWB; A3E2NY:WKN) says it is strategically reviewing multiple Canadian mineral properties prospective for lithium. Prices for the metal important to the energy transition have fallen, but many analysts say they will recover.

American Salars Lithium Inc. (USLI:CSE; USLIF:OTC; Z3P:FWB; A3E2NY:WKN) announced it is strategically reviewing multiple Canadian mineral properties prospective for lithium close to recent pegmatite, or hard-rock, lithium discoveries.

The first project under review is about 150 kilometers north of Matagami, where there is a small town with a rail link to much of James Bay, and has the Billy Diamond Highway running through it.

American Salars said it's close to Q2 Metals Corp. (QTWOTSX-V; OTCQB:QUEXF) Cisco Lithium Project, which reported drill intercepts of 215.6 meters at 1.69% Li2O, including 64.6 meters at 2.29%. Also nearby are multiple projects owned by Sayona Mining Ltd (SYA:ASX), which is currently Canada's only lithium producer.

"Our primary objective remains the acquisition of low-cost lithium brine assets in Argentina while expanding our existing NI 43-101 lithium brine resources," said Chief Executive Officer and Director R. Nick Horsley. "We believe that Quebec-based hard rock lithium assets can now be acquired at deeply discounted prices and advanced with critical mineral flow through financing incentives in anticipation of the next lithium rally."

American Salars said it is reviewing additional projects close to Sayona, which will be subject to disclosure "once due diligence is completed and a deal is completed." The company stressed that its "intent to acquire property and current strategic review does not necessarily mean that a transaction will occur."

Current Assets Also in Argentina, Nevada

The company's existing portfolio of lithium deposits includes two NI 43-101-compliant Inferred Mineral Resource Estimates (MREs) consisting of 457,000 tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE) at the Candela 2 Lithium Brine Project and a shared MRE at the Pocitos 1 Lithium Brine Project consisting of 760,000 tonnes LCE. The Pocitos MRE is shared with the neighboring Pocitos 2 property, which is not under contract or owned by American Salars, but the company noted that none of the drilling that makes up a partial basis for the MRE took place on the Pocitos 2 block. Both brine projects are located in Salta Province, Argentina.

Major mining company Rio Tino recently invested in Argentina by acquiring Argentina lithium producer Arcadium Lithium for US$6.7 billion, making the company the world's third-largest lithium producer.

American Salars recently released assay results from soil samples collected during its Phase 1 exploration program at its 100%-owned Black Rock South lithium project close to Tesla's Gigafactory in Nevada.

Technical Analyst Clive Maund wrote that the entire "San Emidio Desert basin is a highly prospective lithium exploration zone and is about 38 kilometers long and up to 11 kilometers wide at the widest point, with the central playa measuring about 8.5 kilometers north-south and 4.5 kilometers east-west."

Out of 38 samples, 33 recorded lithium concentration of more than 100 parts per million (ppm) or higher, the company said. The highest grade was 180.5 ppm with an average grade of 131 ppm across the 33 samples of the surface of the property.

Technical Analyst Clive Maund wrote that the entire "San Emidio Desert basin is a highly prospective lithium exploration zone and is about 38 kilometers long and up to 11 kilometers wide at the widest point, with the central playa measuring about 8.5 kilometers north-south and 4.5 kilometers east-west."*

"After a massive speculative runup in 2020 and especially in 2021, the lithium price fell victim to a severe bear market that ran from mid-2022 through the end of 2023," Maund continued. "By the end of last year, this bear market had exhausted itself, and a basing process began that has continued up to the present."

In addition to its location near the Gigafactory, Black Rock South is 93 miles southwest of Thacker and 215 miles northwest of the United States' only producing lithium mine, the Silver Peak lithium brine mine owned by Albermarle.

The Catalyst: More Growth Coming

Lithium is critical in the energy transition for its use in batteries for EVs and other applications. It also is used in electronics, medicine and other industries.

According to a report by Grand View Research, market size for the metal was estimated at US$31.75 billion last year and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.7% from this year through 2030.

"The automotive application segment is expected to witness substantial growth, driven by stringent regulations imposed by government bodies on ICE automakers to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles," researchers at Grand View said. "This has shifted the interest of automakers toward producing EVs, which is anticipated to benefit the demand for lithium and related products."

EVs and battery storage primarily will fuel future growth of the lithium market, Marin Katusa of Katusa Research wrote recently. He pointed out that all major electric vehicle batteries require lithium, about 1.55 pounds per kilowatt hour of battery capacity, on average.

"I think the data speaks for itself that there's more growth and opportunity on the horizon," Katusa wrote.

According to FastMarkets, prices for the metal have fallen over the past 18 months as weaker demand improved availability. However, this "has done little to deter the appetite for expansion," raw battery materials analyst Jordan Roberts told the publication.[OWNERSHIP_CHART-11095]

The consensus among market analysts points to a recovery in lithium prices in the fourth quarter of 2024, Fastmarkets reported.

"This optimism is grounded in expectations of increased activity . . . to meet end of year targets, strong battery production seen in March and April finally filtering through upstream and low inventory levels necessitating restocking," the website noted.

Ownership and Share Structure

American Salars said it has 28.8 million shares outstanding and 5.5 million warrants, according to the company.

As for insiders, the CEO Horsley owns about 1.83 million, or about 7.37%, with 4666,666 warrants. Strategic investor Hillcrest Merchant Partners owns 1 million shares or 4.03%. There are no institutional investors, and the rest is retail.

Its market cap is CA$4.79 million. It trades in a 52-week range of CA$0.45 and CA$0.08.

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Important Disclosures:

  1. American Salars Lithium Inc. has a consulting relationship with Street Smart an affiliate of Streetwise Reports. Street Smart Clients pay a monthly consulting fee between US$8,000 and US$20,000.
  2. As of the date of this article, officers and/or employees of Streetwise Reports LLC (including members of their household) own securities of American Salars Lithium Inc.
  3. Steve Sobek wrote this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee.
  4. This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company.

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* Disclosure for the quote from the Clive Maund source June 17, 2024

  1. For the quote (sourced on June 17, 2024), the Company has paid Street Smart, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports, US$1,500.
  2. Author Certification and Compensation: [Clive Maund of clivemaund.com] is being compensated as an independent contractor by Street Smart, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports, for writing the article quoted. Maund received his UK Technical Analysts’ Diploma in 1989. The recommendations and opinions expressed in the article accurately reflect the personal, independent, and objective views of the author regarding any and all of the designated securities discussed. No part of the compensation received by the author was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed.

Clivemaund.com Disclosures

The quoted article represents the opinion and analysis of Mr. Maund, based on data available to him, at the time of writing. Mr. Maund's opinions are his own, and are not a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities. As trading and investing in any financial markets may involve serious risk of loss, Mr. Maund recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction and do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial ramifications. Although a qualified and experienced stock market analyst, Clive Maund is not a Registered Securities Advisor. Therefore Mr. Maund's opinions on the market and stocks cannot be only be construed as a recommendation or solicitation to buy and sell securities.

( Companies Mentioned: USLI:CSE; USLIF:OTC; Z3P:FWB; A3E2NY:WKN, )


High-Grade Uranium Discovery Confirms Potential at Northern Saskatchewan Projects

Source: Streetwise Reports 10/18/2024

Aero Energy Ltd. (AERO:TSXV; AAUGF:OTC; UU3:FRA) has announced significant advancements at its Murmac and Sun Dog uranium projects in Northern Saskatchewan. Read how this and a CA$2.5-million non-brokered private placement aim the company towards further exploration.

Aero Energy Ltd. (AERO:TSXV; AAUGF:OTC; UU3:FRA) has announced significant advancements at its Murmac and Sun Dog uranium projects in Northern Saskatchewan, with the first drill program revealing high-grade uranium potential. Situated near Uranium City on the Athabasca Basin's northern margin, the projects aim to capitalize on basement-hosted uranium deposits similar to high-grade discoveries in the region.

The initial drill campaign completed 16 holes, targeting 12 key areas, with 12 holes yielding anomalous radioactivity. A major highlight is the new high-grade uranium discovery in drill hole M24-017, which intersected 8.4 meters of mineralization at 0.3% U3O8, including assays peaking at 13.8% U3O8 at just 64 meters below surface. The results confirm Aero's exploration model, which focuses on basement-hosted deposits within graphitic structures, a common feature in Athabasca Basin uranium deposits like Arrow and Triple R.

"From the launch of the company in January, we took a very diligent yet aggressive approach to discovery," stated Galen McNamara, CEO of Aero Energy. "The combination of historical data and the results from the first drill program serve as evidence that basement-hosted mineralization akin to the large deposits beneath and adjacent to the Athabasca Basin is present in the area."

The Murmac project spans 25,607 acres and holds a production legacy of approximately 70 million pounds of U3O8. Similarly, the 48,443-acre Sun Dog property hosts the historic Gunnar uranium mine, which once held the title of the world's largest uranium producer. Past exploration focused on fault-hosted mineralization, missing the basement-hosted uranium potential that Aero's recent findings have validated.

Recent exploration efforts included a VTEM Plus survey, flown over 3,350 kilometers, identifying graphite-rich rocks that support Aero's exploration thesis. Additionally, two new occurrences of strong radioactivity were identified at surface-level scout locations: Target A15 showed 60,793 counts per second, and Target P4 displayed 13,533 counts per second. Summer 2024 drilling included 1,550 meters at Murmac and 1,600 meters at Sun Dog, highlighting shallow, high-grade potential in both areas.

In parallel, Aero Energy has announced a CA$2.5 million non-brokered private placement to support further exploration. The proceeds from flow-through units will fund work programs across Murmac, Sun Dog, and the Strike property, with the remaining funds allocated to general working capital.

Why Uranium?

The uranium sector has recently experienced strong growth, largely driven by increasing global demand and efforts to diversify from Russian supply chains. On September 30, The New York Times discussed the resurgence in Western uranium production, highlighting that "uranium mines are ramping up across the West, spurred by rising demand for electricity and federal efforts to cut Russia out of the supply chain." Aero Energy's recent discoveries and forthcoming winter drilling plans at Murmac and Sun Dog reflect this trend, with CEO Galen McNamara remarking, "The combination of historical data and the results from the first drill program serve as evidence that basement-hosted mineralization . . . is present in the area," suggesting strong potential for the Canadian uranium market to contribute to non-Russian nuclear fuel supplies.

Jeff Clark of The Gold Advisor highlighted his continued confidence in the company by stating, "I remain overweight the stock."

On October 9, Reuters reported that demand from U.S. buyers has been on the rise, as "a strong rise in demand from its U.S. customers" pushed Orano's recent plans to expand uranium enrichment in the United States and France. This shift underscores Aero Energy's recent investments in Northern Saskatchewan, where the company has identified high-grade uranium mineralization in both the Murmac and Sun Dog projects, aiming to meet future supply demands with a focus on basement-hosted deposits.

As Forbes reported on October 11, the uranium market experienced renewed momentum after Russian President Vladimir Putin hinted at the possibility of a ban on uranium exports to Western nations. This suggestion "jolted the uranium market," which had been declining after peaking earlier in the year. The price of uranium rebounded to US$83.50 per pound, reflecting rising concerns about potential supply disruptions. Citi analysts noted that “Russia supplies close to 12% of U3O8, 25% of UF6, and 35% of EUP to international markets,” underscoring the challenges that Western nations, particularly the U.S. and Europe, could face in replacing these critical materials. This market dynamic positions uranium companies operating outside of Russia, like those in the Athabasca Basin, to benefit from supply gaps and heightened demand.

MSN reported on October 13 that the UK's nuclear power capacity is set to decrease dramatically in the coming years, with the planned closure of four out of five remaining nuclear plants by 2028. This reduction in capacity is expected to increase pressure on global uranium supplies as demand for nuclear energy continues to rise amid efforts to meet climate goals. The ongoing shift toward low-carbon energy sources, coupled with the planned closures, could create further supply constraints and drive demand for uranium from alternative sources.

Aero's Catalysts

According to the company's October 2024 investor presentation, the ongoing development at Murmac and Sun Dog highlights Aero Energy's strategy to enhance shareholder value by targeting high-grade uranium deposits in underexplored regions. Aero has leveraged recent technology investments, including VTEM Plus aerial surveys, which identified graphite-rich formations favorable for uranium. The exploration efforts build on the CA$7.6 million previously invested by project partners Fortune Bay and Standard Uranium, which has contributed to refining the drill targets. As Aero works with its partners to maximize the impact of this winter's drilling program, the company's strategic location on the north rim of the Athabasca Basin positions it well to expand these discoveries and attract continued investor interest.

The recently announced CA$2.5 million private placement will further strengthen Aero's financial capacity to carry out its targeted drill campaigns and exploration work.

Analyzing Aero

Jeff Clark of The Gold Advisor, in his October 17 update, noted that Aero Energy has "identified more than 70 kilometers of strike to test for high-grade basement-hosted uranium," emphasizing the company's significant exploration potential in a region known for some of the world's richest uranium deposits.

Clark further commented on Aero Energy's recent results, underscoring the importance of drill hole M24-017, which intersected 8.4 meters of uranium mineralization, grading 0.3% U3O8, with assays reaching as high as 13.8% U3O8. He stated, "While not a discovery hole, per se, this hole underscores the company's thesis that these two projects are prospective for the same type of uranium mineralization as Arrow and Triple R." This observation reinforces Aero Energy's exploration model, which targets basement-hosted uranium deposits similar to those found at other significant Athabasca Basin discoveries. [OWNERSHIP_CHART-11173]

Additionally, Clark expressed optimism regarding Aero Energy's current valuation and future prospects, recommending it as a strong buy at current levels. He highlighted his continued confidence in the company by stating, "I remain overweight the stock," suggesting that Aero Energy presents a compelling opportunity for speculative investors in the uranium exploration space.

The recently announced CA$2.5 million private placement was also acknowledged by Clark as a necessary step to fund further exploration activities. While he expressed some caution about potential dilution, he affirmed his overall support for the financing, noting that "its projects are very much worthy of follow-up."

Ownership and Share Structure

According to Refinitiv, management and insiders own 3.11% of Aero Energy. Of those, CEO Galen McNamara has the most at 2.97%. Institutions owns 4.79% with MMCAP Asset Management holding 3.89%. The rest is retail.

Aero has 92.3 million free float shares and a market cap of CA$4.5 million. The 52 week range is CA$0.040–$0.26.

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Important Disclosures:

1) James Guttman wrote this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee.

2) This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company.

For additional disclosures, please click here.

( Companies Mentioned: AERO:TSXV;AAUGF:OTC;UU3:FRA, )


Searching for Ruth Batchelor: founder of the LA Film Critics Association

The back cover photo splash from Ruth Batchelor's album "Songs for Women's Liberation: Reviving a Dream"; Credit:

R. H. Greene | Off-Ramp®

I’ve been a member of the LA Film Critics Association since 1999. LAFCA is a good group - collegial and filled with real movie lovers. But it has a problem.

It's a professional organization, meaning a baseline for membership is you have to have a job, and film criticism is overwhelmingly white and male. 78 percent of the top critics listed on RottenTomatoes are male, and women write only 18 percent of the major reviews. So LAFCA is like the profession itself: overwhelmingly a platform for white men.

It's trying to diversify. It has been for years. But how do you do that when the pool you draw from has a huge institutional bias? According to film critic Claudia Puig, "Criticism has been a white male dominated field for very long. And it continues to be. And not just white males, but middle aged."

Claudia is the current LAFCA president - and a legendary critic, who wrote lead reviews for 14 years at USA Today, and now appears regularly on KPCC’s Film Week.

"Very few movies pass the Bechdel Test. Women are often just girlfriends, wives, mothers. They don't get to have a story arc of their own. But if you had more women reviewing these movies, they would point out certain things that people might not notice as potentially offensive. Because we have been harassed, or we have experienced any number of things. It's something I've grappled with through my entire career." - Claudia Puig

I'm on a committee with Claudia for the LA Film Critics. The concept is to mentor young writers - to generate diversity, from the ground up. One idea is to have a scholarship for aspiring female film critics. We thought it would be good to name it after a prominent woman from the group's past.

So I went to Myron Meisel, who joined LAFCA in 1979, just four years after it formed, and I asked him, "Is there a woman you can think of who played an especially prominent role in the history of the LA Film Critics Association?" "Oh!," Myron said. "Ruth Batchelor was the founder and driving force..." "Wait, what?" I asked. "LAFCA was founded by a woman?"

"We weren't shocked. You had Ruth, who was very much concerned with creating a Los Angeles equivalent to the New York Film Critics Association. Which she largely pulled together by force of will. While Ruth was the moving force, you really can't discount her ability to martial the enthusiastic support of Charles Champlin as a co-founder, and the imprimatur of the Los Angeles Times behind him. Ruth had an enviable ability to make everything she undertook seem inevitable." - Myron Meisel

It's poignant, isn't it? And a little creepy. A prestigious group commits to gender diversity, and somehow, it doesn't have the institutional memory to know that the pivotal figure in its history was a woman.

How could we forget Ruth? Batchelor was nothing if not memorable. Before she became a pundit, she was a successful pop songwriter in the style of Neil Sedaka, or Goffin and King. She wrote dozens of songs, recorded by everybody from Phil Spector to the Partridge Family. She wrote Elvis Presley numbers, including "Cotton Candy Land," which might be the most hated track in the Presley catalogue.

But Batchelor also wrote "Where Do You Come From?", which is beautiful.

Elvis Presley performing Ruth Batchelor's "Where do you come from?"

Where do you come from, Ruth?

It wasn't easy to find out.

Batchelor's New York Times obituary was full of false leads. It said she was a critic for National Public Radio. She wasn't, but when NPR searched their archives, they unearthed a lead: a Film Comment article from 1982, where Batchelor is described as "Ruth Batchelor of National Public Radio's 'As it Happens.'" "As It Happens" airs on Canada's CBC.

So I placed a call. And I waited.

Meanwhile, I found a blog post about Batchelor as a songwriter on an excellent site called "Zero to 180 - 3 Minute Magic." The title of the post was riveting: "First 'Women's Liberation LP.'"

It turns out in 1971, Ruth Batchelor self-produced and financed a concept album called "Songs for Women's Liberation: Reviving a Dream." 

Myron Meisel told me about Ruth's earthy sense of humor, and it's right there in the first write-up's, where her working title is "A Quarter for the Ladies Room." A Billboard article from August 1971 quotes Batchelor about the album: "Right now I have an album of dirty Women's Liberation poems recorded, and I'm trying to sell the master." Then she laughs. "The last record company I recorded for folded."

Batchelor shopped her record. There were no takers.

But Batchelor proved unstoppable. She created her own record company and called it Femme Records. Then she put out what the leftist journal Broadside called "the first feminist record album," all by herself. "Reviving a Dream" is forgotten, bordering on lost. It's never been available for streaming, or released on CD.

Batchelor's record is a pastiche of radio styles from her era. There's Joan Baez folk, two drawling country laments, even some call and response stuff Batchelor probably learned from Phil Spector and his girl groups.

Are Batchelor's songs any good? They're amazing. Amazing just because they exist.

She fits into the churning sea of anonymous faces so seamlessly it takes awhile to realize: She's Ruth Batchelor. The woman who founded the LA Film Critics. A group currently struggling with gender diversity.

LAFCA prez Claudia Puig agreed to an interview knowing it had to do with LAFCA, but not what it was about. I played her Batchelor's song "Drop the Mop." Batchelor intended it as an anthem, scored to a tempo of marching feet.

The listen was awkward - like force feeding a roommate your iTunes playlist. Claudia took notes the whole time, to occupy her critical mind, but I could see when it ended that she was moved.

 "Yeah, it's a really interesting song," Claudia said. "My reaction is sort of...ummm..."

Claudia hesitated, looking for words.

"And this was the origin of the group. Yeah. It really kind of... It is really interesting. I'd never heard of her. She was right there, fighting that fight." 

"And here, we were looking for an avatar," I said.

"Right. Right. It means something. This is a really important discovery that you made."

A piece of the portrait was missing - an essential one. It came courtesy of Kevin Robertson, a producer for "As It Happens" at the CBC. Batchelor had been the show's "Hollywood Correspondent" in the early 1980s. There was audio in the archives. Kevin provided me with five MP3s.

Batchelor's CBC brand was gender traditional. She was the tinseltown gadfly, a niche created by Hedda Hopper and Louella Parsons in the 1930s. There was gossip about Burt Reynolds and Loni Anderson. Richard Burton's widow. Marvin Hamlisch. TV's "Gomer Pyle."

It was kitsch heaven, so I wasn't disappointed. Not exactly. But it was still a bit like listening to Wonder Woman try to be ordinary, because hey, we all gotta eat.

Ruth Batchelor's "Mr. Principal"

The LA Film Critics get a cameo in Batchelor's Oscar season broadcast, when she mentions her LAFCA Awards vote. For awhile, I thought that would be the only audio connecting the "As It Happens" Ruth Batchelor to the feminist fireball she wanted to be.

Then Batchelor starts riffing on "Partners," a buddy cop farce about a straight cop who goes undercover as a gay man. The film had sparked protests from the gay community. Batchelor is unsympathetic, which is surprising in a civil rights pioneer. Her reasoning is devastating.

"You know if women got angry every time there was a movie against women," Batchelor says, "there wouldn't be any movies."

Batchelor died of cancer early - she was just 58. 25 years later, men still direct most mainstream movies - 93 percent as of 2015. They have 70 percent of the speaking parts, and play 88 percent of the leads.

While women get to be naked twice as often in American movies.

Men review almost all movies too. Maybe that's why Ruth Batchelor founded the LA Film Critics. Because she lived in that world. She covered it. Spoke to it. Fought hard against it.

And then left behind a hidden legacy.

"She is our avatar," Claudia says, as our interview time runs out. "It sort of makes me want to redouble our efforts to honor her spirit."

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org.


George Takei on how he took his internment camp musical, 'Allegiance,' to Broadway

Brad and George Takei, the new typical American married couple.; Credit: John Rabe/Grant Wood/Michael Uhlenkott

John Rabe | Off-Ramp®

UPDATE: “Allegiance” will be performed Feb. 21-April 1, 2018, at the Aratani Theater at the Japanese Cultural and Community Center in downtown L.A.'s Little Tokyo.

ORIGINAL STORY: In an intimate interview, George Takei tells Off-Ramp host John Rabe about crafting the Japanese-American internment camp history into compelling Broadway musical theater. "Allegiance," with Takei, Lea Salonga and Telly Leung, played at the Longacre Theater.

George Takei and his husband Brad were putting their house in mothballs when I arrived for our interview in August. They'd already been spending a lot of time in New York because of George's recurring role on "The Howard Stern Show," but now, with the Broadway opening of "Allegiance" just a couple months away, they were preparing to move for as long as the musical brings in the crowds.

While Brad went off to deal with the mundane domestic tasks around the move, I sat with George in their living room to talk about turning one of America's most shameful episodes — the internment of some 120,000 loyal Japanese-Americans during World War II — into a musical that could make it on the Broadway stage.

George, you just sent an email to your fans with the subject line: "I've Waited 7 Years to Send You this Email. Seven years!" Inside, you wrote: "Few things are as difficult and complex as taking a show to ‪Broadway‬. It's both thrilling and terrifying." What was terrifying?

"The terrifying part is, you've poured your passion, your energy, your resources ...  you make all that investment in that project, and then you're hoping the seats are going to be filled.That 'what if' is terrifying. But in San Diego, we had a sold-out run and broke their 77-year record. But now we're going to Broadway, and that same fear is there. Will they come? What will the critics say? Because it's life or death."

It took a long time just to get a Broadway theater.

"It took a long time to get a theater.You think there are a lot of Broadway theaters, but there are even more productions that want those chunks of New York real estate. So we thought we'd get in line. But then the other discovery we made is that the theater owners have relationships with grizzled old producers who have brought them a vast fortune with enormous hits, and they can cut in line. They have a track record. And so, 'will we ever get a theater' became a big question. But we have this time now — let's use it creatively, productively."

So, Takei says, the team tweaked the show, removing parts that didn't work didn't advance the story, inserting numbers that worked better and kept the story moving. They doubled down on social media, building and proving demand in the show.

"We have a Shubert theater (the Longacre), and Bob Wankel is head guy there, and I remember pouring my heart out, telling the story of my parents, hoping that touches. And he was understanding, but I understood his problem, too. Everybody is trying to get a theater and he has to make a good business decision and was initially skeptical. An internment camp musical? But music has the power to make an anguished painful situation even more moving, even more powerful. It hits you in the heart."

Highlights from "Allegiance" at the Old Globe in San Diego

This is your Broadway debut, right? Are you petrified?

"Yes, yes. I've done a lot of stage work, and I've done a lot of public speaking, but it's Broadway, and I'm a debutante... at 78 years old! And it's the critics, too. The New York Times, Ben Brantley. That's who I'm going to be facing, and so it's both exciting and absolutely filling me with ecstasy, but what makes it ecstatic is the fear."

For much more of our interview with George Takei, listen to the audio by clicking the arrow in the player at the top of the page ... and hear George Takei and John Rabe's duet of "Tiny Bubbles."

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org.


Facial recognition technique could improve hail forecasts

Full Text:

The same artificial intelligence technique typically used in facial recognition systems could help improve prediction of hailstorms and their severity, according to a new, National Science Foundation-funded study. Instead of zeroing in on the features of an individual face, scientists trained a deep learning model called a convolutional neural network to recognize features of individual storms that affect the formation of hail and how large the hailstones will be, both of which are notoriously difficult to predict. The promising results highlight the importance of taking into account a storm's entire structure, something that's been challenging to do with existing hail-forecasting techniques.

Image credit: Carlye Calvin


Genetic redundancy aids competition among symbiotic bacteria in squid

Full Text:

The molecular mechanism used by many bacteria to kill neighboring cells has redundancy built into its genetic makeup, which could allow for the mechanism to be expressed in different environments, say researchers at Penn State and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Their new study provides insights into the molecular mechanisms of competition among bacteria. "Many organisms, including humans, acquire bacteria from their environment," said Tim Miyashiro, a biochemist and molecular biologist at Penn State and the leader of the research team. "These bacteria can contribute to functions within the host organism, like how our gut bacteria help us digest food. We're interested in the interactions among bacteria cells, and between bacteria and their hosts, to better understand these mutually beneficial symbiotic relationships." Cells of the bioluminescent bacteria Vibrio fisheri take up residence in the light organ of newly hatched bobtail squid. At night, the bacteria produce a blue glow that researchers believe obscures a squid's silhouette and helps protect it from predators. The light organ has pockets, or crypts, in the squid's skin that provide nutrients and a safe environment for the bacteria. "When the squid hatches, it doesn't yet have any bacteria in its light organ," said Miyashiro. "But bacteria in the environment quickly colonize the squid's light organ." Some of these different bacteria strains can coexist, but others can't. "Microbial symbioses are essentially universal in animals, and are crucial to the health and development of both partners," says Irwin Forseth, a program director in the National Science Foundation's Division of Integrative Organismal Systems, which funded the research. "The results from this study highlight the role small genetic changes can play in microbe interactions. Increased understanding will allow us to better predict organisms' performance in changing environments."

Image credit: Andrew Cecere


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Silver Co. Releases High-Grade Results From Golden Triangle Drilling

Source: Streetwise Reports 11/05/2024

Dolly Varden Silver Corp. (DV:TSX.V; DOLLF:OTCQX) releases new results from its 2024 drilling program at its Kitsault Valley project in British Columbia's Golden Triangle. One analyst says the company is an "attractive target" for large precious metal producers.

Dolly Varden Silver Corp. (DV:TSX.V; DOLLF:OTCQX) released results from five drill holes from its completed 2024 drilling program at its Kitsault Valley project in British Columbia's Golden Triangle.

In total, the program drilled 69 holes for 31,726 meters — 41 holes totaling more than 15,000 meters at the Dolly Varden area and 28 holes totaling more than 16,000 meters at Homestake Ridge.

Highlights of Monday's release include one hole from the Homestake Silver Deposit that found 12.23 grams per tonne gold (g/t Au) and 84 g/t silver (Ag) over 34.93 meters with high-grade breccia veins that included 166 g/t Au and 675 g/t Ag over 0.97 meters.

"The identification of a gold-rich, wide and high-grade area within the Homestake Silver Deposit is highly encouraging," said Chief Executive Officer Shawn Khunkhun. "Our geological team is encouraged by overlapping mineralizing phases of silver and gold-rich veins and breccias; the deposit remains open for expansion."

Technical Analyst Clive Maund, writing on Sunday, called Dolly Varden "one of the best pure silver companies around."

The stock's "breakout at end of last month/early this month was on big volume means it was genuine," Maund wrote.

The stock is at a "classic buy spot, although we should remain aware that it could zigzag a little lower over the short-term, but that said it looks like a strong buy here."

Highlights From Results

Highlights from the Homestake Silver Deposit include:

  • Hole HR24-432: Mineralized envelope including veins: 8.85 g/t Au and 5 g/t Ag over 48.23 meters, including an internal zone of stronger breccia vein intervals grading 29.24 g/t Au and 16 g/t Ag over 13.94 meters, including one breccia vein grading 701 g/t Au and 184 g/t Ag over 0.54 meters.
  • Hole HR24-435: Mineralized envelope including veins: 4.64 g/t Au and 38 g/t Ag over 100.80 meters, including an internal interval of stronger breccia vein mineralization grading 12.23 g/t Au and 84 g/t Ag over 34.93 meters. High-grade breccia veins include 166 g/t Au and 675 g/t Ag over 0.97 meters.
  • Hole HR24-442: Vein breccia zone: 4.58 g/t Au over 9.95 meters, including 14.96 g/t Au over 1.69 meters.

"Results from the five holes in this release suggest that the plunge of mineralization at Homestake Silver has a similar orientation as the Homestake Main Deposit, located 300 meters to the northwest," the company said in a release. "The average grades within these core areas are higher, on a precious metal silver equivalent basis, than the average grade of the silver deposits at the Dolly Varden property further south, due to the increased gold content at the Homestake Ridge Deposits."

Technical Analyst Clive Maund, writing on Sunday, called Dolly Varden "one of the best pure silver companies around."

Drill holes HR24-442 and HR24-445 are step-outs and encountered the mineralized and altered structural corridor of Homestake Silver, the company said. Drill hole HR24-442 intersected a mineralized vein breccia stockwork zone grading 4.58 g/t Au over 9.95 meters, including individual breccias with stronger pyrite mineralization grading 14.96 g/t Au over 1.69 meters.

The Homestake Ridge deposits are interpreted as structurally controlled, multi-phase epithermal vein stockwork and vein breccia system hosted in Jurassic Hazelton volcanic rocks, Dolly Varden noted. Mineralization consists of pyrite plus galena and sphalerite with visible gold in a breccia matrix within a silica breccia vein system.

"The northwest orientation of the main Homestake structural trend appears to have numerous subparallel internal structures that are interpreted to form the controls for higher grade gold and silver shoots within a broader mineralized envelope at the Homestake Silver deposit," the company said. "The main structural corridor dips steeply to the northeast at Homestake Main and rolls to vertical or steeply southwest at Homestake Silver."

Analyst's Response: 'Boom'

Jeff Valks, Senior Analyst for The Gold Advisor newsletter, reacted to the results with the word "BOOM."

"Dolly Varden Silver reports more high-grade drill results from its 2024 exploration program at the Homestake Silver Deposit in British Columbia's Golden Triangle," he wrote on Monday. "Results from five drill holes have confirmed significant gold and silver mineralization in an area targeted within the plunge of a previously undrilled high-grade zone, signaling potential expansion opportunities."

Jeff Valks, Senior Analyst for The Gold Advisor newsletter, reacted to the results with the word "BOOM."

We look forward to the remaining results." Vaks wrote. "In the meantime, the stock is flat as I write but is up over 35% year-to-date. It's not too late to buy, it's down from its recent spike, and as (editor) Jeff (Clark) has said, this is a core holding for the silver bull market. Use a stink bid if you're looking for shares. Both Jeff and I hold long positions."

Analyst Marcus Giannini of Haywood Capital Markets noted in a recent research note that Dolly Varden continues to "push the margins of known high-grade mineralization" at the project.

Gianini gave the stock a Buy rating with a CA$2.40 per share target price. "We continue to view Dolly's high-grade endowment as an increasingly attractive target for larger North American-focused precious metal producers," he noted.

The Catalyst: Analysts Point to Patience

While it has chased the record highs gold has been setting this year, silver recently broke through US$35 per ounce, reflecting a year-to-date gain of about 47%. It has since settled but held to the "crucial US$32.50 level," according to Christopher Lewis of FX Empire on Monday.

"Keep in mind that this is a market that is extraordinarily volatile and, of course, will continue to be noisy over the next couple of days as we get election results in the United States," Lewis wrote. "And of course, we also get the Federal Reserve interest rate decision on Thursday, both of which could cause chaos."

Lewis said he thinks the "least likely path is lower."

"I still favor an upside move, but I recognize that we are definitely in a little bit of a holding pattern," he wrote. "Having said that, if we do see momentum to the upside, then there's really not a whole lot here that could keep this market from trying to challenge the (US$)35 level again, obviously, a large round psychologically significant figure, but we'll just have to wait and see how that plays out."

The most conductive element in nature, silver is used to coat electrical contacts in computers, phones, cars, and appliances. It's also an important element in solar technology.

Mordor Intelligence noted that the white metal is expected to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 5% between 2024 and 2029.

Newsletter editor Brien Lundin encouraged investors not to get discouraged, as any price drop-off is temporary, he said. He expects the silver price to soar when the U.S. Federal Reserve doubles down on its efforts to get interest rates much lower, he wrote on Oct. 23. [OWNERSHIP_CHART-5439]

Based on silver's charts, Ron Struthers of Struthers Resource Stock Report also predicted a major run-up in the silver price.

"Back in April or early May, I highlighted the breakout from a cup and handle formation and [that] that would lead to a major upside move. This is now confirmed," he wrote on Oct. 23.

Ownership and Share Structure

According to the company's latest corporate presentation, 50% of its stock is held by institutional investors, including Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, Sprott Asset Management LP, U.S. Global Investors Inc., and Delbrook.

About 41% is with strategic investors, including 17% with Fury Gold Mines, 14% with Hecla, and Eric Sprott owns 10% himself.

The rest, 9%, is with retail and high-net-worth investors.

The company has 301.16 million outstanding shares. Its market cap is CA$380.72 million, and its 52-week trading range is CA$0.62–1.46 per share.

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Important Disclosures:

  1. Dolly Varden Silver Corp. is a billboard sponsor of Streetwise Reports and pays SWR a monthly sponsorship fee between US$4,000 and US$5,000.
  2. As of the date of this article, officers and/or employees of Streetwise Reports LLC (including members of their household) own securities of Dolly Varden Silver Corp.
  3. Steve Sobek wrote this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee.
  4. This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company.

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( Companies Mentioned: DV:TSX.V; DOLLF:OTCQX, )


Drill Program Targets High-Grade Gold Veins in British Columbia

Source: Streetwise Reports 11/06/2024

Independence Group NL (IGO:ASX) has begun a comprehensive diamond drill program at its fully-owned 3Ts Project, located in British Columbia.Read more about the 25 planned drill holes aimed at unlocking high-grade intercepts and the promising exploration targets at the 3Ts Project.

Independence Gold Corp. (IGO:TSX.V; IEGCF:OTCMKTS) has begun a comprehensive diamond drill program at its fully-owned 3Ts Project, located in British Columbia. Positioned 16 km from Artemis Gold Inc.'s Blackwater Project, the 3Ts Project covers 8,840 hectares within a prolific epithermal quartz-carbonate vein district on the Nechako Plateau. The program will consist of approximately 25 drill holes, totaling a minimum of 7,500 meters. The targets are the Ted-Mint and Tommy Vein Systems, with a primary emphasis on unexplored depth zones to identify high-grade intercepts for mineral resource expansion.

The 3Ts Project encompasses multiple identified veins, with strike lengths from 50 to over 1,100 meters and true widths of up to 25 meters. Additional exploration will be directed at the Ian, Johnny, and Larry Veins, focusing on mineralization both along strike and at depth. The Ootsa and Balrog targets, identified through geophysical and geological data collected during the summer 2024 exploration program, are also set to undergo further investigation.

President and CEO Randy Turner stated in the press release, "We look forward to building on the success of recent drill programs at 3Ts. With a larger and more extensive drill program planned, including deeper holes to test the major vein systems below the microdiorite sill and further testing of the newly discovered Ootsa and Balrog targets, we anticipate a very busy and exciting year ahead."

Upon hearing this news, Jeff Clark of The Gold Advisor wrote, "And they're off! This is the THIRD drill program this year at 3Ts, an aggressive schedule that, as investors, we're very happy to see."

He noted that these results will help expand the current resource. He continued, "Remember, management just raised a whopping US$6.65 million, more than double the initial goal, due to strong investor interest. They thus have the financial firepower to conduct all this drilling before winter sets in. The stock isn't reacting to the news, but this isn't something that would normally have a big impact on it. It's cooled from its recent spike so offers a very attractive entry point if you don't have the shares you want. This is an overweight position for me, and it's my belief we'll see more spikes just like the one we witnessed. More news and potential catalysts ahead. This is definitely one to own for the gold bull market."

Looking Into Gold

On October 29, Kitco reported that gold prices approached US$2,800. This reflects a substantial 35% increase for the year. According to the report, this growth resulted from multiple factors, including geopolitical conflicts, Federal Reserve interest rate normalization, strong central bank demand, and political uncertainties surrounding the upcoming presidential election. Analysts described these elements as a "perfect storm," which significantly bolstered investor sentiment and reinforced gold's appeal as a hedge against economic instability.

"This is definitely one to own for the gold bull market," Jeff Clark of The Gold Advisor Wrote.

LiveMint, on October 30, noted the strong performance of precious metals, emphasizing that silver had outpaced gold over the past year. Ankit Gohel from LiveMint mentioned, "Gold has delivered a substantial return of over 33.5% since Dhanteras last year," but highlighted that silver had achieved an even more impressive rally of over 40.5%. Despite this, gold continued to attract attention, with Chintan Mehta, CEO of Abans Holdings, emphasizing gold's role as a safe haven during times of uncertainty. He said, "Gold stands out in times of uncertainty . . . It's a complete safe-haven unlike silver, which always has that industrial component attached to it, adding an extra layer of risk."

In a November 4 article, Egon von Greyerz of Matterhorn Asset Management provided a historical perspective on gold's consistent role in preserving wealth. Von Greyerz discussed how gold had risen 78 times since 1971, when the dollar lost its gold backing, emphasizing that "gold held in the investor's name in safe vaults and jurisdictions outside the financial system is the ultimate form of wealth preservation." He argued that gold's ascent had only just begun, driven by the devaluation of fiat currencies and ongoing global debt expansion.

Independence Catalysts

According to the company's September 2024 investor presentation, the 3Ts Project remains a high-priority asset with substantial growth potential. The updated NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate for the Tommy, Ted, and Mint veins, totaling 522,330 ounces of gold and 13.83 million ounces of silver, is expected to expand with new discoveries and continued drilling. Recent metallurgical testing has returned gold recoveries of up to 97.9%, and the strategic location near Artemis Gold's Blackwater Mine adds further credibility to the project's prospects. [OWNERSHIP_CHART-7643]

The fall 2024 drill program, with a budget of CA$4.5 million, will test high-grade zones and underexplored targets, building on over 63,000 meters of historical drilling. Additionally, new targets such as the Balrog and Ootsa anomalies present significant exploration upside, underscoring the project's potential for resource expansion and discovery.

Ownership and Share Structure

According to Refinitiv, about 4.38% of the company is held by insiders and management.

7.97% is with strategic investor Newmont Corp.

The rest is retail.

Its market cap is CA$29.28 million with 167.8 million shares outstanding. It trades in a 52-week range of CA$0.34 and CA$0.12.

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Important Disclosures:

1) James Guttman wrote this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee.

2) This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company.

For additional disclosures, please click here.

( Companies Mentioned: IGO:TSX.V;IEGCF:OTCMKTS, )


Delta Variant Of The Coronavirus Could Dominate In U.S. Within Weeks

Rob Stein | NPR

The dangerous Delta variant of the coronavirus is spreading so quickly in the United States that it's likely the mutant strain will become predominant in the U.S. within weeks, according to a new analysis.

The variant, first identified in India, is the most contagious yet and, among those not yet vaccinated, may trigger serious illness in more people than other variants do, say scientists tracking the spread of infection.

The Delta variant apparently already accounts for at least 14% of all new infections, according to the research analysis posted online Monday of more than 242,000 infections nationwide over the last six months.

Another reason to get vaccinated

"It definitely is of concern," says William Lee, the vice president of science at Helix, which is under contract with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help track the variants.

"Just the fact that it's so transmissible means that it's it's dangerous," Lee says, "and so I think you'll see outbreaks of Delta around the country and more people will get sick from it."

Helix launched the study when researchers spotted a drop in the prevalence of the Alpha variant, a contagious strain first spotted in the U.K. that had quickly become the dominant variant in that country and the U.S.

The researchers discovered the drop in relative frequency of the Alpha variant in their spot checks of strains circulating in the U.S. was due to a rapid increase in two other variants: the Gamma variant, first spotted in Brazil, and the Delta variant. The Gamma variant may be slightly better than the original strain at outmaneuvering the vaccines, researchers say.

"It looks like both of them are going to slowly push out Alpha," says Lee, whose study has not yet been peer-reviewed but has been posted on a pre-print server.

How Delta could prompt another U.S. COVID-19 surge

All the vaccines authorized for use in the U.S. appear, in general, to provide powerful protection against all the variants, including Delta. But the rapid spread of the variants is still raising concern because of the large number of people who remain unvaccinated.

"There still are big portions of the country where the rates of vaccination are quite low," notes Dr. Jeremy Luban, a virologist at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. "And, in fact, the Helix paper shows that this Delta variant is increasing in frequency — the speed at which it's increasing in frequency is greatest in those areas where vaccination rates are lowest."

The Delta variant could trigger yet another moderate surge of infections through many parts of the U.S. because of these pockets of unvaccinated people, according to a recent set of projections from the COVID-19 Scenario Modeling Hub, which is helping the CDC plot the future course of the pandemic.

The projections indicate that infections could start to rise again as soon as some time in July, especially if the vaccination campaign continues to stall.

"For the most part, it's a moderate resurgence," says Justin Lessler, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University who is helping coordinate the hub.

"We're not having massive epidemics at a national level, but we have this kind of continuation of the virus just sticking around and keeping us on our toes," Lessler says. "And in specific places there could be substantial epidemics still."

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org.


Moderna Says Studies Show Its Vaccine Is Effective Against The Delta Variant

Moderna says recently completed studies have found its vaccine to have a neutralizing effect against all COVID-19 variants tested, including the delta variant.; Credit: Fred Tanneau/AFP via Getty Images

Laurel Wamsley | NPR

Studies have found that Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine is effective against several variants of concern, including the delta variant, the biotech company announced.

Moderna said Tuesday that recently completed studies have found the vaccine to have a neutralizing effect against all COVID-19 variants tested, including the beta, delta, eta and kappa variants.

While still highly effective against the delta variant, the study showed the vaccine was less effective against it and certain other variants than against the original strain of the virus.

The antibody response against the delta variant was about two times weaker than against the ancestral strain of the virus.

The news echoes other findings that the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are highly effective against the delta variant. A study published this month in Nature found that Pfizer's vaccine was able to neutralize variants including delta, though at somewhat reduced strength.

"These new data are encouraging and reinforce our belief that the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine should remain protective against newly detected variants," Stéphane Bancel, Moderna's chief executive officer, said in a statement. "These findings highlight the importance of continuing to vaccinate populations with an effective primary series vaccine."

The company also said it is developing a booster candidate: a 50-50 mix of its currently authorized COVID-19 vaccine and another messenger RNA vaccine it has developed.

The delta variant is spreading fast

The delta variant is the fast-moving form of the coronavirus that is now found in 96 countries, including the United States.

Last week, Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health said the delta variant is "currently the greatest threat in the U.S. to our attempt to eliminate COVID-19," noting that the proportion of infections being caused by the variant is doubling every two weeks.

The delta variant is now infecting at least 1 out of every 5 people who get the virus in the United States. In some sections of the country, the variant is already far more common, particularly in parts of the Midwest and West. At its current pace, the delta variant is expected to be the dominant virus in the U.S. within weeks.

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, an infectious disease expert at the World Health Organization, called the delta variant "incredibly transmissible."

"These viruses are becoming more fit. The virus is evolving, and this is natural," she told NPR's Morning Edition. "It's more transmissible than the alpha variant, so we need to just do all we can to prevent as many infections as we can and do what we can do to reduce the spread."

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org.


The History And Present Of American Indian Boarding Schools, Including In SoCal

Sherman Institute, built in the Mission Revival architectural style, enrolled its first students on Sept. 9, 1902.; Credit: SHERMAN INDIAN MUSEUM


Earlier this month, Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland announced an effort to search federal boarding schools for burial sites of Native American kids. 

The effort is similar to the one in Canada, which found the remains of up to 751 people, likely mostly children, at an unmarked grave in a defunct school in the province of Saskatchewan.  

We dive into the history of American Indian Boarding Schools, as well as their evolution and what the schools that still exist, including Sherman Institute High School in California, look like today.


Brenda Child, professor of American Studies and American Indian Studies at the University of Minnesota; she is the author of many books, including “Boarding School Seasons: American Indian Families, 1900-1940” (University of Nebraska Press, 2000)

Amanda Wixon, curator at the Sherman Indian Museum, which is on the campus of Sherman Indian High School; assistant curator at Autry museum of the American West; PhD candidate in history at UC Riverside where her research is in Native American history, especially federal boarding schools and the carceral aspects of the Sherman Institute

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org.


COVID-19 AMA: J&J Says Its Vaccine Is Effective Against Delta Variant, WHO Says All Authorized Vaccines Should Be Recognized By The West And More

Detail of boxes with the U.S. donated Johnson & Johnson vaccine against Covid-19 at Universidad de Baja California on June 17, 2021 in Tijuana, Baja California. ; Credit: Francisco Vega/Getty Images

James Chow | AirTalk

In our continuing series looking at the latest medical research and news on COVID-19, Larry Mantle speaks with Dr. Annabelle De St. Maurice from University of California Los Angeles/Mattel Children’s hospital.

Topics today include:

  • J&J says its vaccine is effective against Delta variant

  • WHO says all vaccines it authorized should be recognized by reopening countries

  • White House says it will miss July 4 vaccination goal

  • Postpartum depression on the rise during the pandemic

  • Experts believe Novavax may play a role in combating vaccine hesitancy

  • Delta variant is not driving a surge in hospitalization rates in England


Annabelle De St. Maurice, M.D., assistant professor of pediatrics in the division of infectious diseases and the co-chief infection prevention officer at University of California Los Angeles/Mattel Children’s hospital; she tweets @destmauricemd

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org.


Marathons, Triathlons And More: What Motivates Us To Undertake Physical Feats?

Athletes compete during the cycling portion of the IRONMAN 70.3 Steelhead on June 27, 2021 in Benton Harbor, Michigan. ; Credit: Patrick McDermott/Getty Images for IRONMAN


Whether you’re new to running or you’ve finished your tenth triathlon, we want to hear from you about what motivates you and how that translates into pushing yourself physically. 


Mark Remy, longtime runner and writer in Portland, Oregon; creator of humor website dumbrunner.com; he is the author of many books, including The Runner's Rule Book: Everything a Runner Needs to Know--And Then Some (Runner's World) (Rodale Books, 2009)

Sharon McNary, infrastructure correspondent at KPCC; she finished her 11th Ironman Race last week at Coeur d’Alene; she tweets @KPCCsharon

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org.


COVID-19 AMA: National Vaccination Campaign, Variants And Vaccinating Animals

A passenger wearing a protective face covering to combat the spread of the coronavirus, checks her phone while travelling on a bus along Oxford Street in central London on July 5, 2021.; Credit: DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP via Getty Images


In our continuing series looking at the latest medical research and news on COVID-19, Larry Mantle speaks with Professor Kristen Choi of UCLA. 

Topics today include:

  • Biden to announce new efforts on vaccination campaign as Delta variant spreads

  • Hospitalization rates getting worse for black residents of L.A. County 

  • Which parts of the U.S. could be breeding grounds for variants?

  • New Israeli data about effectiveness of Pfizer against Delta variant

  • England to lift mask restrictions

  • Cases on rise in immigration detention centers in the U.S. 

  • Bay area zoo is vaccinating big cats and some other animals 


Kristen R. Choi, professor of nursing and public health at UCLA; registered nurse practicing at Gateways Hospital, based in Echo Park

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org.


Could California Be The Next State To Legalize Psychedelics?

Don't fear the 'shrooms.; Credit: /iStockphoto.com


California on Tuesday moved another step closer to decriminalizing psychedelics — amid a debate over whether their prohibition is an outdated remnant of the War on Drugs — after the author removed a substance (ketamine) from the bill that opponents said can be used as a date-rape drug.

The bill would allow those 21 and older to possess for personal use and “social sharing” psilocybin, the hallucinogenic component of so-called magic mushrooms. It also covers psilocybin, dimethyltryptamine (DMT), ibogaine, mescaline excluding peyote, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, often called ecstasy).

The bill bars sharing with those under age 21 or possessing the substances on school grounds. It would remove the state’s ban on cultivating or transferring mushroom spores or other material containing psilocybin or psilocybin.

Even if California makes the bill law, the drugs would still be illegal under federal law.

With files from the Associated Press.


Scott Wiener, author of SB 519; California State Senator representing Senate District 11, which includes all of the city and county of San Francisco, Broadmoor, Colma, Daly City, and part of South San Francisco; he tweets @Scott_Wiener

John Lovell, legislative director of the California Narcotics Officers Association

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org.


Updated USGS Publication, "Eruptions of Hawaiian Volcanoes—Past, Present, and Future"

In this third edition of "Eruptions of Hawaiian Volcanoes—Past, Present, and Future," we include information about Kīlauea’s 2018 eruption in the lower East Rift Zone—the largest and most destructive in at least 200 years—and associated summit-collapse events, the eruptions at Kīlauea’s summit since 2018, and the 2022 eruption of Mauna Loa, which occurred after 38 years of quiescence.


USGS Releases New Topographic Maps for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands - Updated Maps for Essential Needs

The USGS is pleased to announce the release of new US Topo maps for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. These updated topographic maps offer valuable, current geographic information for residents, visitors, and professionals, providing essential resources for communities in these areas.


Drought Watch/Warning Declared for 35 Pennsylvania Counties

USGS groundwater and surface water monitoring data contributed to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's (PaDEP) November 1, 2024, declarations of drought watches and warnings for 35 Pennsylvania counties.